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# 31 Project Demonstrations:
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 19/20, 2009  in  330  Soda Hall

Each group MUST demonstrate their final project.
Sign up for a 12-minute time slot:
    -- Tue 5/19: 2pm-5pm
    -- Wed 5/20: 10am-12noon
    -- Wed 5/20: 2pm-4pm
       A sign-up form has been posted on the instructional web page:      http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs184/sp09/signup/

Demos will take place in 330 Soda. Make sure your demo is ready to run at the start of your assigned demo slot;
Bring a hard copy of the project score sheet filled in with the name(s), login(s) and demo time slot for your team;
also fill in your best estimate of what you think you have achieved.

About the scoring process:

There were some questions about the exact number of points one would get
for a specific achievement on the final project.

As an example "transparency" is listed as worthy of 10 points.
This a hold-over from a score sheet of a few years ago,
when everybody used the classical rendering pipeline.
But when you are using a ray-tracer, then transparency comes almost for free,
and will clearly not be worth 10 points unless you treat it as
a "participating medium" with exponential fall-off along the path
and perhaps with scattering.

In any case, our judging will be mostly based on what you have accomplished
and on our understanding of how difficult it was to achieve the effects you show us.
The indicated number of points are really just a very rough guide line
and will be clearly open to different interpretations depending on context.

Make sure you have something interesting to show -- and a good story to go with it!

Final Project Submission:

Submit your project as you did your assignments (for the record) -- within one hour after your demo time.

Create a project webpage in your personal directory of your cs184 account
that includes a descriptive paragraph and screenshot. (Also include this information in your submission.)

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin