Lecture #11 -- Mo: 3/1, 1999.

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Read: Ch 5.6 "3D Transformations";  Ch 11.1.3,  "Plane Equations";  Ch 15.2.4, "Backface Culling"

Lecture Topics

Review: Modeling in 3D

We have all the primitives we need, vertices, edges, faces,
and ways to put them together into groups using instance calls and 3D transformations,
to form polyhedral scenes of arbitrary complexity.

Review: Rendering a 3D Scene

Simplest case to obtain 2D image from 3D scene:
Parallel Projection  along z-axis ==> just ignore z coordinate.
Set SLIDE: projectionflag to 0.
Other techniques used on assignments 3 and 4 readily carry over from 2D to 3D:

Bounding Box Culling in 3D

Formulate outcodes with 6 bits in 27 spatial partitions.
Check all 8 corners of a (transformed) bounding box against these outcodes.
Form AND function to look for trivial rejects -- work is done !
Form OR function for full acceptance for rendering -- no further BB checks or clipping !

Backface Elimination

To save work, remove the polygons facing away from the viewer from the rendering pipeline.
Check whether the scalar product between face normal and viewing direction is positive !
For the special case of parallel projection down the z-axis, just check wheter face normal has negative z-component.
(Later in the course this test will be done in a canonical view volume, where it is also very simple).

Clipping in 3D

Polygon clipping is again done on the parameterized line segments (edges) of the contour, but now against 4 or 6 clipping planes in 3-space. This is not really different from before. For each line segment in the polygon contour, just solve for the parameter value that gives the intersection with the clipping boundary along that coordinate axis that is perpendicular to the clipping boundary. To obtain the modified contour, Sutherland Hodgman can be used again.


The key parameters of a camera are: position (3 DOF), orientation (3 DOF) == rigid body in 3D !
Furthermore: focal length --> determines opening angle of viewing pyramid;
possibly positioning and size of imaging plane ("film").

Look_at Transformation

This is convenient way to place and orient the camera (or any other object/group, e.g. a gun) toward a part of the scene that is of interest. It consists of specifications for the placement (eye), the viewing direction (target), and the rotation around the viewing direction (up-vector). Even though there are nine parameters in this specifications,
some of them are redundant, since there are only 6 DOF.


In the case of a general camera position, we need to know what can be seen from that camera position.
To make things simple, we make a coordinate system anchored at the camera as a reference frame,
the View Reference Coordinate System (VRCS),
and transform the parts of the world to be rendered into this new reference frame.

Reverse Camera Path

The desired transform into the VRCS can most easily be computed by modifying the scene hierarchy so that the camera becomes its root, i.e., inverting the matrices that lead from the world to the camera. Now every instanced polygon in the scene can be described in the framework of the camera with one compound matrix, and we can easily determine whether it can be seen and how it would appear to the camera.

A similar technique will be used when we will have to deal with the individual illuminations produced by one or more light sources: We will make each one in turn temporarily the root of the hierarchy and determine how each polygon appears in that special reference coordinate system for a particular light.

Crystal Ball Interfaces

Provide a convenient "user-centric" way to twiddle an object around for inspection.
The basic approach keeps the various actions fairly separate and has the following functionality:
RIGHT MOUSE: z-rotation
MIDDLE MOUSE: "zoom" = uniform scaling of object
LEFT MOUSE: Crystal ball interface = "simultaneous rotations around x & y axes.

Enhanced ways

Mix in some amount of  z-rotation into the dragging operation with the LEFT MOUSE button:
The further the stroke passes away from the center of the screen, the more the crystal ball responds with a pure z-rotation.
There are several different ways as to how exactly this can be achieved (see notes).

Rotation around arbitrary 3D axis

For the implementation of the crystal ball, we need a robust, efficient way to turn an object around an arbitrary axis in 3-space. We want to make many small, incremental rotations and continuously form the composite transformation. All these rotations need to be performed around axes that lie in 3-space in a general direction.

In principle such a rotation around an arbitrary axis in space can be composed from several rotations around the coordinate axes, for instance:
- rotate axis vector about z-axis until it falls into x-z-plane (angle aa);
- rotate axis vector about y-axis until it falls into z-axis (angle bb);
- do desired rotation around axis now parallel with z-axis;
- undo rotation about y-axis (angle -bb);
- undo rotation about z-axis (angle -aa);
[FIG: Rotation around arbitrary axis in 3D (Composite Matrix)]

A more powerful and elegant, but more abstract formalisms will be presented in Discussion Session.: Rodrigues Formula

Putting it all together

Soon we will build rather complex worlds with one or more cameras and lights, all of which may be moving themselves. We need to find out how to coordinate all this ... , for instance, where does Crystral ball transformation go ?
We create suitable compound matrices and their inverses for cameras, lights, ... to deal with all objects into the coordinate system that make the necessary computations most efficient and/or easiest to understand.

We also need to think about the exact order in which we want to do all the necessary operations: culling, clipping ...

Remarks on Assignment #5

Based on a couple of short visits to the lab, I advise:
Don't be too timid in your transformations. Make big moves in your scenes !
If you want to test clipping -- make sure there is lots of stuff to clipp.
It is fine if the ship with all its attached contents moves back and forth through scene!

Almost half the work in rendering is finding the right transformations to make the task as easy and as efficient as possible.
Make sure you are comfortable with transformations !

New Homework Assignment:

ASG#5:  "Crystal Ball Interface"
DUE: Saturday 3/6/99, 11:59pm.

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