Lecture #10 -- We: 2/24, 1999.

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Read: Ch 5.6 "3D Transformations";  Ch 11.1.3,  "Plane Equations";  Ch 15.2.4, "Backface Culling"

Lecture Topics

More on Degrees of Freedom

How many DOF for:   infinitely long lines in 2D: (2);   planes in 3D: (3)
-- How can this be achieved ?
{hint: use normal vector through origin}

More on Transformations

Relative positions between objects in different subtrees in hierarchical scene trees.

Interpretation with a modified scene hierarchy:

Inverse transformation, matrix inversion.

[ ( )S->W ]-1  is needed above. Similarly an inverse x-form is needed whenever we go up the tree, towards the root, against the arrows ...
So, what is [ ( )S->W ]-1   ? --  It is something that "un-does" the effect of ( )S->W ;  so that: ( )S->W  * [ ( )S->W ]-1  = 1
Inverses of basic x-forms are:
T(a, b)-1 = T(-a, -b),
S(a, b)-1 = S(1/a, 1/b),
R(a)-1 = R(-a)
Inverse of a composite are inverses of components in reverse order
(T1 * T2 * T3 )-1 = T3-1 * T2-1 * T1-1 .

Towards 3D !

3D Modeling Primitives

Points:  just one extra coordinate, no extra treatment.
Lines reference points:  exactly the same as in 2D.
Faces basically nothing new:   but must be planar;
We need to find their plane equation; needed later for calculation of illumination.

Martin Newell's plane equation formula

Plane normal components are in same ratio as shadow of polygon on the three coord planes.
Each shadow area is computed as 2D projection as sum of trapezoids (x1-x2)(y1+y2)/2.
Form the sum of all such expressions around the contour; do it for all 3 projections.
==Fig: Show projections and trapezoid method to calculate areas.

3D Transformation Matrices

Scaling ==> trivial; just add the 3rd coordinate.
Rotation around one coordinate axis ==> just like 2D, involving only those two axes;
cyclically move through xy, yz, zx - planes.
Translation -- not really a linear transform ! ==> need to resort to homogeneous coord. again.
Add an additional row and column in all matrices to make them 4x4.
See Ch 5.6, page 215  for detailed view of matrices.

Introduction to Projection

Now we can do modeling in 3D -- Next: how we can view this scene on only 2D display.?
Need to go from 3D scene to 2D image.
Simplest way ==> just ignore z coordinate. ==> Parallel projection along z-axis.
This is a parallel projection (all projection rays are parallel).
Alternative: Perspective; uses a center of projection.
SLIDE: projectionflag: 0==parallel; 1==perspective.

Backface Elimination

We cannot see the back-faces -- so why should we render them !
How do we know that a face is back-facing ?
 ==> If scalar product between face normal and viewing direction is positive !
For our special case of parallel projection down the z-axis:
 ==> if face normal has negative z-component:  (do not render that face)

New Lab Work: 3D Viewer

"Crystal Ball" interface to manipulate 3D object.
Provide a convenient way to twiddle an object around for inspection.
Old, inconvenient way turn object around:  in its master coordinate system, first by sliders, later by mouse:
If you turn object left to right 180 degrees ==> confusion!  (Story of siggraph vendor booth demos).
We will do better: we will turn object in the screen coordinate system,
 so that it always responds properly to the mouse cursor movements.
Discuss 3 mouse functions.
RIGHT: z-rotation
MIDDLE: "zoom" = uniform scaling of object
LEFT: Crystal ball interface = "simultaneous rotations around x & y axes.

General Remarks on Human Factors

Key issues:

Make it easy for the user rather than for the computer.

Compute power is going to grow by 100 in next 10 years -> CPU cycles are cheap !
Keep it reactive; move cursor immediately ! Do other stuff later.
Give good visual (acoustic, other) feedback of what is going on, what has been selected,
whether cursor has snapped to a particular shape or alignment line {e.g. hilite} ...

Speed AND Precision

Grids, gravity, auxiliary lines, ...
Combine all these ideas in Snap-dragging.

Application-dependent Conveniences.

Automate the most frequently occurring operations.
Provide proper defaults.
Reasonable ways to disambiguate the mouse movements.

Current Homework Assignment:

ASG#4:  "2D Polygon Clipper"
DUE: Saturday 2/27/99, 11:59pm.

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