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Lecture #28 -- Th: 12/09, 2004

Comparing Different Rendering Paradigms

The Classical Rendering Pipeline (object space):
  • Geometric Model
  • Camera Placement
  • Perspective Projection
  • Visibility Calculation
  • Illumination
  • Rasterization
  • Display

  • Ray-Tracing Pipeline (image space):
  • Geometric Model
  • Camera Placement
  • Ray Casting / Visibility Calculation / Rasterization  ==> all in one !
  • Light-source Probing

  • Radiosity Pipeline (object space):
  • Geometric Model
  • Global Illumination ==> becomes part of the scene !
  • Camera Placement
  • Perspective Projection
  • Visibility Calculation
  • Rasterization
  • Display
  • Review: Radiosity Rendering

    In the simplest case we assume all the surfaces are perfectly diffuse reflectors.
    Thus the apparent brightness of a surface is independent of viewer position.
    However, large (flat) polygons can still have non-uniform brightness because of non-uniform illumination.
    We now consider indirect illumination by other illuminated and diffusely reflecting surfaces.
    For this, we break up large surfaces into small flat polygons (patches) over which we can assume the brightness to be constant.
    Once all the patches have been assigned their brightness (color) values, we can render the scene from any viewpoint.

    To calculate the amount of diffuse illumination that gets passed from one patch to another, we need to know the form factor between them.
    This form factor describes how well the two patches can see one another (depends on distance, relative orientation, occluders between them).
    Once we have determined all these purely geometrical form factors, we could set up a system of p linear equations in the radiosity of the p patches.
    Solving this system with a direct method (e.g. Gaussian elimination) is not practical, if there are thousands or millions of patches.
    But we can exploit the fact that most of the form factors are typically zero, since many pairs of patches cannot send much light to each other.
    Thus we can apply an iterative approach:

  • First consider only the light directly emitted by the active light sources.
  • Then add the light that results from only a single reflection on any surface from the source lights.
  • Next add the light that has seen two reflections, and so on ...
  • The process is stopped locally whenever the additional contributions fall below some desired level of accuracy.

  • Two-pass Method

    One way to combine the best capabilities of radiosity-based rendering (indirect lighting by diffuse-diffuse interreflections)
    and of ray-tracing (specular reflections, translucency), is to use a two-pass method.
    The first pass is a radiosity-like algorithm that creates an approximate global illumination solution.
    In the second pass this approximation is rendered using an optimized Monte Carlo ray tracer (statistical sampling).
    This scheme works very well for modest scenes.
    But for models with millions of polygons, procedural objects, and many glossy reflections, the rendering costs rise steeply,
    mainly because storing illumination within a tessellated representation of the geometry uses too much memory.

    Photon Mapping

    The above approach can be improved, if a photon map is used to represent the overall illumination within a model.
    This photon map is created by emitting a large number of photons from the light sources into the scene.
    Each photon is traced through the scene, and when it hits a non-specular surface, it is stored in the photon map.
    These photons stored within the model approximate the incoming light flux at the various surfaces.
    This photon map can then be used to produce radiance estimates at any given surface position.
    The method can be further improved by using two photon maps:
    A high-resolution photon map represents caustics (spots where light is concentrated by lensing effects) to be visualized directly;
    and a global photon map of lower resolution serves to reduce the number of reflections that need to be traced
    and to generate optimized sampling directions in the Monte Carlo ray tracer (to increase its efficiency).
    Photon mapping makes it possible to efficiently simulate global illumination in complex scenes, even when they include participating media.

    Example: A simple museum scene rendered with photon mapping.
    Note the caustic below the glass sphere, the glossy reflections, and the overall quality of the global illumination.
    Source: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~henrik/papers/ewr7/ewr7.html

    Background: Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping by Henrik Wann Jensen

    --- from here on : FOR ENRICHMENT ONLY -- NOT ON FINAL EXAM ---

    Participating Media

    The intensity and color of light rays may not only be changed when they interact with discrete surfaces.
    When light rays pass through media that are not completely transparent (water, vapor, fog, smoke, colored glass ...),
    the interaction with these media happens along the whole path,
    and the resulting effect increases exponentially with the length of the path.
    (If the effect is small enough, a linear approximation can be used.)

    When scenes contain smoke or dust, it may be necessary to take into account also the scattering of light as it passes through the media.
    This involves solving the radiative transport equation (an integro-differential equation),
    which is more complicated than the traditional rendering equation solved by global illumination algorithms.
    The photon map method (see below) is quite good at simulating light scattering in participating media.

    - ---
    So far all scenes have been modeled with B-reps ...
    but what do we do if we have voxel data ?

    Volume Rendering

    If we want to render the boundary of a sampled 3D scalar field (e.g., MRI data), we could convert the voxel data into a B-rep,
    by using an algorithm called Marching Cubes (interpolate surface between sample points), and then use a traditional rendering pipeline.

    Volume rendering is a technique for directly displaying sampled 3D data without first fitting geometric primitives to the samples.
    In one approach, surface shading calculations are performed at every voxel using local gradient vectors to determine surface normals.
    In a separate step, surface classification operators are applied to obtain a partial opacity for every voxel,
    so that contour surfaces of constant densities or region boundary surfaces can be extracted.
    The resulting colors and opacities are composited from back to front along the viewing rays to form an image.
    (Notice connection to transparency lecture!)
    The goal is to develop algorithms for displaying this sort of data that are efficient and accurate, so that one can hope to obtain
    photorealistic real-time volume renderings of  large scientific, engineering, and medical datasets on affordable noncustom hardware.
    (like nested bodies of "jello" of different colors and densities).
    Example: Scull and Brain
    Source: http://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/volume/

    An ideal volume rendering algorithm would reconstruct a continuous function in 3D, transform this 3D function into screen space,
    and then evaluate opacity integrals along line-of-sights.
    In 1989, Westover introduced splatting for interactive volume rendering, which approximates this procedure.
    Splatting algorithms interpret volume data as a set of particles that are absorbing and emitting light.
    Line integrals are precomputed across each particle separately, resulting in "footprint"  functions.
    Each footprint spreads its contribution in the image plane.
    These contributions are composited back to front into the final image.
    Background:  EWA (elliptical weighted average) Volume Splatting

    Point-based Rendering

    This is a recent development rapidly gaining poularity.
    The whole scene is simply described as a cloud of varying density of sampled data points.
    When rendering a pixel representing a particular location, a suitable neighbor hood of sample points
    is interrogated, an averaged surface normal is calculated and their colors are combined to produce a small facet
    that can be suitably illuminated with the available light sources, so that the pixel color can be determined.
    see: PointShop3D Example
    Reference: PointShop 3D

    Reality Acquisition

    So far we have dealt with the rendering of synthetically generated scenes.
    Often people would like to capture an existing scene (a complex 3D object, the interior of a house, a landscape ...)
    and create a model from it that can then be rendered from arbitrary viewpoints and with different illuminations.

    One approach is to use a 3D scanner that takes an "image" by sampling the scene like a ray-casting machine,
    but which also returns for each pixel a distance from the scanner.
    This collection of 3D points is then converted into a geometrical model,
    by connecting neighboring sample dots (or a subset thereof) into 3D meshes.
    Color information can be associated with all vertices, or overlaid as a texture taken from a visual image of the scene.
    This all requires quite a bit of work, but it results in a traditional B-rep model that can be rendered with classical techniques.
    Challenges are: to combine the point clouds taken from different directions into one properly registered data set,
    to reduce the meshes to just the "right number" of vertices, and to clean up the "holes" along silhouette edges

    Image-based Rendering

    Unlike the shape capture process above that can be used with a traditional rendering pipeline,
    the following approaches do not rely on a geometric representation.
    This alternative approach to reality capture starts with many 2D images and
    then creates new images for different viewpoints by cleverly combining information from these images.

    In one approach,
    two "stereo pictures" are taken of a scene from two camera locations that are not too far apart.
    Manually, or with computer vision techniques, correspondence is established between key points in the two renderings.
    By analyzing the differences of their relative positions in the two images, one can extract 3D depth information.
    Thus groups of pixels in the both images can be annotated with a distance from the camera that took them.
    This basic approach can be extended to many different pictures from different camera locations.
    The depth annotation establishes an implicit 3D database of the geometry of the model object or scene.

    To produce a new image from a new camera location, one selects images taken from nearby locations
    and suitably shifts or "shears" the pixel positions according to their depth and the difference in camera locations.
    The information from the various nearby images is then combined in a weighted manner,
    where closer camera positions or cameras that see a surface under a steeper angle are given more weight.
    With additional clever processing, information missing in one image (e.g., because it is hidden behind a telephone pole)
    can be obtained from another image taken from a different angle,
    or can even be procedurally generated by extending nearby texture patterns.

    Example 1: Stereo from a single source:
    A depth-annotated image of a 3D object, rendered from two different camera positions.
    Source http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~mcmillan/IBRpanel/slide06.html
    Example 2: Warped image from a neighboring position:
    Background: UNC Image-Based Rendering

    Light Field Rendering and the Lumigraph

    These methods use another way to store the information acquired from a visual capture of an object.
    If one knew the complete plenoptic function (all the photons traveling in all directions at all points in space surrounding an object),
    i.e., the visual information that is emitted from the object in all directions into the space surrounding it,
    then one could reconstruct perfectly any arbitrary view of this object from any view point in this space.

    As an approximation, one captures many renderings from many locations (often lying on a regular array of positions and directions),
    ideally, all around the given model object, but sometimes just from one dominant side.
    This information is then captured in a 4D sampled function (2D array of locations, with 2D sub arrays of directions).
    One practical solution is to organize and index this information (about all possible light rays in all possible directions)
    by defining the rays by their intercept coordinates (s,t) and (u,v) of two points lying on two parallel planes.
    The technique is applicable to both synthetic and real worlds, i.e. objects they may be rendered or scanned.
    Creating a light field from a set of images corresponds to inserting 2D slices into the 4D light field representation.
    Once a light field has been created, new views may be constructed by extracting 2D slices in appropriate directions.
    Technical challenges:

  • finding appropriate parameterizations for the light field,
  • creating light fields efficiently and with proper prefiltering,
  • displaying them at interactive rates and with proper resampling,
  • and compressing them to reduce memory use.

  • -
    "Light Field Rendering":
    Example: Image shows (at left) how a 4D light field can be parameterized by the intersection of lines with two planes in space.
    At center is a portion of the array of images that constitute the entire light field. A single image is extracted and shown at right.
    Source: http://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/lightfield/
    Background: Light Field Rendering by Marc Levoy and Pat Hanrahan
    The light field viewer demo is in S:\bmrt\lightfield
    go to that directory with the command prompt and use these commands to view:
    lifview dragon32.lif
    lifview buddha4c.lif
    up and down arrows zoom in and out....
    You can also download it from:
    Q:\sequin\public_html\CS184\DEMOS\lifview dragon32.lif
    Q:\sequin\public_html\CS184\DEMOS\lifview buddha4c.lif

    "The Lumigraph":
    Example: The reconstruction of a desired image from given image information: diagram1 and diagram2
    Source: http://research.microsoft.com/MSRSIGGRAPH/96/Lumigraph.htm
    Background: Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering

    Challenges: Natural Phenomena


    Of course the above presentations are much too short and superficial.
    The goal is to make you aware that there are many other rendering methods beyond the ones we have covered in this course.
    You can learn more about these in some of our graduate courses, -- e.g. CS294-? (CS283): "Graduate Computer Graphics".
    Here I provide you at least with some references and some keywords that will lead you to further information on the Web.

    Everything that you have learned in CS184 (scene hierarchies, transformations, dealing with pixels ...)
    still very much applies in all these more advanced settings!

    Final Project Demo

    Project Deadline is Monday, December 13, 7:59pm. -- FOR EVERYBODY !
    (Every day late: -40 points)

    Sign up for a project demo slot! http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs184/Fa2004/signup/

    Make sure your demo is ready to run at the beginning of your assigned demo slot;
    have your score sheet properly filled in (including your names and logins).

    Final Exam

    Thursday, December 16, 8am - 11am, 306 and 310 Soda Hall (not LeConte!)

    Advice on Exam Preparation

    Review the midterm topics list.

    Think through the additional topics list for the final exam.

    Prepare  one additional  sheet of notes to be used during the exam.

    The TA's have offered to hold a review session:
    MONDAY evening, December 13, 2004, 8:30pm-10pm.

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin