MOSAIC 2000:
Millennial Open Symposium on the Arts and Interdisciplinary Computing
Seattle, August 21 - 25, 2000.

Of the seven Art-Math conferences that I have attended, this one was the best !
Thank you, David Salesin, for putting on such a superb event!

Pre-MOSAIC Mini-Symposium at Microsoft.

On Saturday we visited the "Experience Music Project"
in the fancy new building by Frank Gehry.

Sightseeing in the neighborhood of the Space Needle
where one can find several good sculptures.

Sunday was spent hiking, eating, socializing, playing.

MOSAIC 2000 had many great lectures

in a wonderful setting.

The display room was worth several visits daily.

Workshops provided hands-on action.

Tuesday night there was a BBQ picknick with street circus.

On Thursday the invited speakers visited Chihuli's glass workshop.

Photos from Douglas Zongker

More photos from John Sullivan

Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin