CS273: Foundations of Parallel and Distributed Systems

Lecturer: Satish Rao (satishr@cs.berkeley.edu)
Office hours (tentative): Mo: 1:30-2:30, Th: 2-3.
TA: Isabelle Stanton
Office hours (tentative): Tu: 11-12, Fr: 2-3.
Fundamental theoretical issues in designing parallel algorithms and architectures and topics in distributed networks. Shared memory models of parallel computation. Parallel algorithms. Fundamentals of routing for general networks. Algorithms for object location in distributed networks. Partitioning methods. Distributed computing. Game theoretic aspects of distributed agents. Foundations of Game Theory. On-line auctions.


Homeworks, a project, perhaps a final will determine your grade. The course is more front loaded than other courses, so be sure to get your work done as it is posted.


Choose a paper or propose a "paper to be" related to the topics we will present in this course. It should have a significant theory/analysis component or suggest such a direction. You should propose to either understand or extend the paper. You should be prepared to present and summarize the contents of the paper including sufficient relevant background. Proposals are due September 12, 2010.

Homework Guidelines

The point of homeworks is to learn the material well. Please do so.

Homeworks/Lecture Notes.

Some lecture references.

Previous Versions.

  • The 2009 site.
  • The 2006 site.
  • The 2005 273 website.
  • Other resources...