Satish Rao

Computer Science Division
687 Soda Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776

Phone: (510) 642-4328
Fax: (510) 642-5775
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Research interests


Some no so recent papers: see DBLP!

[1] Kamalika Chaudhuri, Satish Rao, Samantha Riesenfeld, and Kunal Talwar. A push-relabel approximation algorithm for approximating the minimum-degree mst problem and its generalization to matroids. Theor. Comput. Sci., 410(44):4489-4503, 2009. [ bib | http ]
[2] Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Blaine Nelson, Ling Huang, Anthony D. Joseph, Shing hon Lau, Satish Rao, Nina Taft, and J. D. Tygar. Stealthy poisoning attacks on pca-based anomaly detectors. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 37(2):73-74, 2009. [ bib | http ]
[3] Kamalika Chaudhuri, Satish Rao, Samantha Riesenfeld, and Kunal Talwar. What would edmonds do? augmenting paths and witnesses for degree-bounded msts. Algorithmica, 55(1):157-189, 2009. [ bib | http ]
[4] Punyashloka Biswal, James R. Lee, and Satish Rao. Eigenvalue bounds, spectral partitioning, and metrical deformations via flows. J. ACM, 57(3), 2010. [ bib | http ]
[5] Sagi Snir and Satish Rao. Quartets maxcut: A divide and conquer quartets algorithm. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform., 7(4):704-718, 2010. [ bib | http ]
[6] Satish Rao and Shuheng Zhou. Edge disjoint paths in moderately connected graphs. SIAM J. Comput., 39(5):1856-1887, 2010. [ bib | http ]
[7] Blaine Nelson, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Ling Huang, Anthony D. Joseph, Shing hon Lau, Steven J. Lee, Satish Rao, Anthony Tran, and J. Doug Tygar. Near-optimal evasion of convex-inducing classifiers. Journal of Machine Learning Research - Proceedings Track, 9:549-556, 2010. [ bib | .html ]
[8] Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Blaine Nelson, Ling Huang, Anthony D. Joseph, Shing hon Lau, Satish Rao, Nina Taft, and J. D. Tygar. Antidote: understanding and defending against poisoning of anomaly detectors. In Feldmann and Mathy [10], pages 1-14. [ bib | http ]
[9] Moses Charikar, Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi, Howard J. Karloff, and Satish Rao. 22 spreading metrics for vertex ordering problems. Algorithmica, 56(4):577-604, 2010. [ bib | http ]
[10] Howard J. Karloff and Toniann Pitassi, editors. Proceedings of the 44th Symposium on Theory of Computing Conference, STOC 2012, New York, NY, USA, May 19 - 22, 2012. ACM, 2012. [ bib | http ]

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