Shankar Sastry's Home Page

Director, Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society
NEC Distinguished Professor of Engineering
Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and Bioengineering
University of California, Berkeley
Office: 284 HMMB, 514 Cory Hall
Phone: (510) 643-2200, (510) 642-1857
Fax: (510) 643-2356 



Spring 2007: EECS 222: Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability and Control

Fall 2006 CS 294-6: Theoretical, Conceptual and Experimental Vision

Fall 2005: EECS221A Linear Systems Theory

Spring 2005: EECS291E and ME 291S: Hybrid Systems, Computation and Control
Spring 2005: EECS222: Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability and Control

Research Interests

 * Hybrid and Embedded Control and Systems
 * Software Enabled Control
 * Networked Embedded Systems
 * Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection
 * Millirobotics for Minimally-Invasive surgery
 * Computer Vision
 * Generalized Principal Component Analysis and Unsupervised Learning . See also the web site of Allen Yang .
 * Berkeley AeroRobots: flying aircraft and rotorcraft.
 * Engineering Applications of Exterior Differential Systems. See parking movies on Dawn Tilbury's home page
 * Adaptation and Learning in Biological and Artificial Systems
See also CML: Learning Complex Motor Tasks in Natural and Artificial Systems
 * Air Traffic Management Systems

Major Research Projects

 * TRUST: Team for Research in Ubiquitous Security Technologies NSF Science and Technology Center
 * DETER: Cyberdefense Technology Evaluation and Research testbed , NSF and DHS Network Defense Testbed
 * Foundations of Hybrid and Embedded Software and Systems An NSF ITR with Vanderbilt and Memphis
 * Adaptive Coordinated Control of Intelligent Multi-Agent Teams (ACCLIMATE) An ARO MURI with U Penn and CMU
 * Network Embedded Systems Technology DARPA, NSF.
 * Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Center NSF-ITR, DARPA.
 * Minimally-Invasive Telesurgery Supported by NSF, ONR, NASA, ARO.
 * Software Enabled Control , DARPA. Project Completed.
 * Intelligent Control Architectures for Unmanned Air Vehicles , ARO, ONR, Project Completed.
 * Air Traffic Management Systems joint with Claire Tomlin and Alexandre Bayen supported by NASA, FAA. See also the homepage of NEXTOR
 * CML: Learning Complex Motor Tasks in Natural and Artificial Systems, NSF KDI Program, Project Completed.

Major Studies and Reports

Report of the NSF-OSTP Workshop on Innovative Information Technologies for Critical Infrastructure protection
September 20-22, 2002
Shankar Sastry, Jack Stankovic, and Janos Sztipanovits
Report of the NSF Workshop on Analysis, Control and Adaptation
of Dynamical Systems in Biology
November 13-15, 1995
R. J. Full and S. S. Sastry
(PDF format) , (postscript format) report preparation thanks to Court Lewis and preparation for the web thanks to Jeff Wendlandt .

(Not so) Recent Papers

A searchable index of recent papers is being compiled and papers being scanned at the current time to add to the home page: Please stay tuned!

 * Stability Criteria for Stochastic Hybrid Systems
by Abate, Shi, Simic and Sastry, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven 2004.
 * Optimal Path planning on Matrix Lie Groups
by G. Walsh, R. Montgomery and S. Sastry
 * Millirobotics for Telesurgery
by M. Cohn, L. Crawford, J. Wendlandt and S. Sastry
 * Hierarchical Hybrid Control: a Case Study
by D. Godbole, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry
 * Bounded Tracking for Nonminimum Phase Systems with Fast Zero Dynamics
by C. Tomlin and S. Sastry
 * Switching Through Singularities
by C. Tomlin and S. Sastry
 * Conflict Resolution for Air Traffic Management: A Case Study in Muli_Agent Hybrid Systems
by C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, and S. Sastry
 * A Next Generation Architecture for Air Traffic Management Systems
by C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, J. Lygeros, D. Godbole and S. Sastry
 * Controllers for Reachability Specifications for Hybrid Systems
by J. Lygeros, C. Tomlin and S. Sastry
 * A Design Framework for Hierarchical, Hybrid Control
by J. Lygeros, D. Godbole and S. Sastry
 * A Verified Hybrid Controller for Automated Vehicles
by J. Lygeros, D. Godbole and S. Sastry
 * Optimal Control Approach to Multi-agent, Hierarchical System Verification
by J. Lygeros, D. Godbole and S. Sastry
 * Biological Motor Control Approaches for a Planar Diver
by L. Crawford and S. Sastry
 * Recursive Workspace Control of Multibody Systems: A Planar Biped Example
by J. Wendlandt and S. Sastry

Books in Preparation

For details on these books please contact any of the co-authors:
 * Lygeros, Tomlin, Sastry (order tbd), "Hybrid Systems and Control".
 * Vidal, Ma, Sastry, "Generalized Principal Component Analysis: Estimation and Segmentation of Hybrid Models".

Not So Recent Books

 * Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry "An Invitation to 3-D Vision From Images to Models". Springer Verlag, 2003.
 * Sastry, "Nonlinear Systems; Analysis, Stability, and Control", Springer Verlag, 1999.
 * Sastry and Bodson, "Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence and Robustness", Prentice Hall, 1989, copyright Sastry and Bodson 1994: available for free download!
 * Murray, Li and Sastry, "A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation", CRC Press, 1994.
 * Antsaklis, Kohn, Nerode and Sastry (Editors), "Hybrid Systems II", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 999, Springer Verlag, 1995.
 * Antsaklis, Kohn, Nerode and Sastry (Editors), "Hybrid Systems IV", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1273, Springer Verlag, 1997.
 * Henzinger and Sastry (Editors), "Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1386 Springer Verlag, 1998.
 * Baillieul, Sastry and Sussmann (Editors), "Essays in Mathematical Robotics", IMA Series Vol. 104, Springer Verlag, 1998.

On-line copies of (not so recent) talks

 * Optimal Control on Lie Groups,
(Postscript format)
 * Millirobotics for Minimally Invasive Remote Surgery,
(HTML format)
 * Millirobotics for Surgery, Vienna ICAR 1996
(HTML format)

Current Graduate Students

 * Humberto Gonzalez
 * Tanya Roosta
 * Edgar Lobaton
 * Saurabh Amin
 * Phoebus Chen
 * Parvez Ahmmad
 * Milos Drezgic
 * Bonnie Zhu
 * Alessandro Abate
 * Marci Meingast

Current Post Doctoral Scholars

 * Songhwai Oh January 2007-present
 * Annarita Giani January 2007-present
 * Alvaro Cardenas October 2006-present
 * Hoam Chung January 2006-present
 * Bruno Sinopoli September 2005-January 2007
 * Jonathan Sprinkle August 2003-present
 * David Shim Research Engineer, BEAR Laboratory Manager

Recent Doctoral Students

 * Songhwai Oh , December 2006, now at Berkeley
 * Shawn Shaffert , September 2006, now at Moteiv, Inc., SFO.
* Aaron Ames , May 2006, now at Caltech, Pasadena.
 * Wei Chung Wu , May 2006.
 * Hoam Chung December 2005, now at Berkeley
 * Bruno Sinopoli September 2005, to be at Carnegie Mellon University as of February 2007.
 * Xin-Yan Deng July 2004, now at University of Delaware
 * Luca Schenato December 2003, now at University of Padova, Italy
 * Shannon Zelinksy, MS, July 2004, Now at NASA Ames, Mountain View, CA
 * Omid Shakernia December 2003, now at Northrup Grumann, Los Angeles
 * Jun Zhang December 2003, now at University of California, Berkeley
 * Rene Vidal August 2003, now at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
 * Jianghai Hu December 2003, Now at Purdue University, Lafayette
 * Judith Lieberman MS December 2002, now at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories
 * Cedric Ma MS December 2002, now at Northrup Grumann, Los Angeles
 * Hyoun Jin Kim December 2001, now at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
 * Hyunchul (David) Shim November 2000, now at University of California, Berkeley, CA
 * Cenk Cavusoglu September 2000, now at Case Western University, Cleveland
 * John Koo August 2000, now at Vanderbilt University, Nashville
 * Yi Ma August 2000, now at Univ. of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, IL
 * George Pappas December 1998, now at Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
 * Claire Tomlin September 1998, now at Departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
 * Lara Crawford August 1998, now at PARC, Palo Alto, CA
 * Jeffrey Wendlandt October 1997, now at Math Works, Worcester, MA.
 * Charles Coleman April 1997, now at Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT
 * Antonia Lindsey April 1997, now at NASA Ames, Mountain View, CA.
 * Steve Burgett December 1996, now at Yasukawa Motors, San Francisco, CA.
 * John Lygeros, May 1996, currently in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece
 * Dattaprabodh Godbole, December 1994, now at Honeywell Systems and Research Center, Minneapolis.
 * Dawn Tilbury, November 1994, now at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
 * Gregory Walsh, September 1994, now at the University of Maryland, College Park
 * Linda Bushnell, August 1994 now at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Recent Post Graduate Scholar Alumni

 * Bruno Sinopoli Now at CMU
 * Mike Eklund Now at University of Ontario Institute of Technology UOIT
 * Christopher Geyer Now at Carnegie Mellon University
 * Massimo Franceschetti Now at University of California, San Diego, CA
 * Slobodan Simic Now at San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
 * Ian Mitchell Now at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
 * Jana Kosecka Now at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
 * Maria Prandini Now at Politecnico Di Milano, Milano, Italy
 * Ekaterina Lemch Now at Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada
 * Joao Hespanha Now at University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
 * Karl Henrik Johansson Now at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
 * Sepanta Sekhavat Now at INRIA, Rhone-Alpes, Grenoble, France

Shankar Sastry ( / Updated January 2007.