Other Interests

I played in the EECS softball league this year. Here is a short video of our team. More information on the softball league in general is available here, courtesy of the organizer, Karl Petty.

I like to travel to interesting places.

I spent the summer of 1991 in Toulouse working at LAAS on path planning for mobile robots, learning to appreciate French wines, hiking in the Pyrenees, and improving my French.

During the summer of 1992, I spent 10 weeks travelling around China, I even learned a little bit of Chinese, at least enough to bargain with the street vendors and buy "hard sleeper" tickets on the train.

In the fall of 1993, I took a trip to Turkey. We spent some time in Istanbul and went down the Mediterranean coast, exploring Ephesus and taking in a Turkish bath.

Let me know if you have any good suggestions of places to go next!

I grew up in Minneapolis, city of lakes and home of the mega-mall. My mom and little brothers still live in Minnesota; they are not yet connected to the WWW.

Check out some information on Cal Bears Football, Cal Bears Basketball, or the Cal Band.
Or listen to Joe Starky call THE PLAY.


Dawn Tilbury (dawnt@eecs.berkeley.edu) / May 5, 1994