I don't have a set format. In mosaic when you a looking at a document you can choose "SAVE" and then save it as an html file. Then you can edit it to suit you. Some samples that I made are in ~www/home/people Photos are best scanned in on the scanner on the mac and then ftp'ed over to you account. Use gif format! Look at my home page for examples of how to read in files. Eric's Home Page

Eric's Home Page

I am currently a graduate student in the Computer Science Department at the University of California at Berkeley working with Professor John Canny. Here's all of the general information like my PGP Public Key and some pictures of my Moto Guzzi LeMans I (View 1) (View 2) from Italy. You can also finger me for more info.

Advisor: John Canny

Research Interests


People on the Web


Other Universities

Interesting Sites


US Mail:
Eric Paulos
Computer Science Department
571 Evans Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
333 Cory Hall
Phone: (510) 643-5796
Robotics Lab:
330 Cory Hall
Phone: (510) 642-3248

Other WWW Sites of Interest

Eric Paulos (paulos@robotics.eecs.berkeley.edu)