Berkeley Software Enabled Control Project Home Page

PI: Shankar Sastry
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
Director, Electronics Research Laboratory
Co-PI Edward Lee
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
University of California, Berkeley

Administrative POC

Peter Ray
Address: 253 Cory Hall
Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California,
Berkeley CA 94720-1774
Phone: 510-643-8425
Fax: 510-643-8426

Other Key Investigators

Thomas Henzinger
John Lygeros
Claire Tomlin
George Pappas
John Koo

PI's (co-PIs) Office: 269M Cory Hall, (518 Cory Hall)
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-1770.
PI's (co-PIs) Phone: (510) 642-7200 (642-0455)
Fax: (510) 642-1341
PI's (co-PI's) Email: sastry(eal)

Research Proposal

 * HTML version of our proposal to DARPA's BAA 98-16

Statement of Work

 * HTML version of our statement of work on DARPA's BAA 98-16

Papers Published on the Project

On-line copies of Project Talks

 * Kickoff Presentation One , (Power Point Format)
 * Kickoff Presentation Two (Power Point Format)

Experimental Testbed

Multiple flying helicopters (flying aerial robots or "aerobots") will be used as the experimental test bed for this project. The support for the test bed and related research comes from an ARO MURI project An Integrated Approach to Intelligent Systems .
The homepage for BErkeley AeRobots is care of John Koo , and a large team, under the acronym of BEAR .

Current Scientific Personnel on Project

 * Shankar Sastry
 * Edward Lee
 * Thomas Henzinger
 * John Lygeros,
 * George Pappas
 * Claire Tomlin
 * John Koo
Shankar Sastry ( / August 1998