2021 Publications



1.   V. Tuck, Y. V. Pant, S. A. Seshia and S. S. Sastry, "DEC-LOS-RRT: Decentralized Path Planning for Multi-robot Systems with Line-of-sight Constrained Communication," 2021 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 2021, pp. 103-110, doi: 10.1109/CCTA48906.2021.9659247. [PDF]

2.   C. Maheshwari, K. Kulkarni, M. Wu and S.S. Sastry, 2021. Dynamic Tolling for Inducing Socially Optimal Traffic Loads. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.08879. [PDF]

3.   C. Maheshwari, C. Y. Chiu, E. Mazumdar, S.S. Sastry, L.J. Ratliff. Zeroth-Order Methods for Convex-Concave Minmax Problems: Applications to Decision-Dependent Risk Minimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.09082. 2021 Jun 16. [PDF]

4.   P Dayani, N Orr, V Saran, N Hu, S Krishnaswamy, A Thomopoulos, E Wang, J Bae, E Zhang, D McPherson, J Menke, A Moran, B Quiter, A Yang, K Vetter (2021). Immersive Operation of a Semi-Autonomous Aerial Platform for Detecting and Mapping Radiation. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science68(12), 2702-2710. [PDF]

5.   McPherson, D. L., Stocking, K. C., & Sastry, S. S. (2021, August). Maximum Likelihood Constraint Inference from Stochastic Demonstrations. In 2021 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 1208-1213). IEEE. [PDF]

6.   McPherson, D. L., & Sastry, S. S. An Efficient Understandability Objective for Dynamic Optimal Control. In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 986-992). IEEE. [PDF]

7.   Tyler Westenbroek, Max Simchowitz, Michael I Jordan, S Shankar Sastry. On the stability of nonlinear receding horizon control: a geometric perspective. 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (Pages 742-749). [PDF]

8.   Tijana Zrnic, Eric Mazumdar, Shankar Sastry, Michael Jordan. Who Leads and Who Follows in Strategic Classification?.Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Volume 34, Pages 15257-15269). [PDF]

9.   Mohammad Ranjbar, HL Nguyen, Nghi H Tran, Tutku Karacolak, Shivakumar Sastry, LD Nguyen. Energy efficiency of full-duplex cognitive radio in low-power regimes under imperfect spectrum sensing. Mobile Networks and Applications (Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 1750-1764). [PDF]

10.                     Shankar Sastry, Forrest Laine, Claire Tomlin. Optimal control and the linear quadratic regulator. [PDF]

11.                     Tyler Westenbroek, Xiaobin Xiong, S Shankar Sastry, Aaron D Ames. Smooth approximations for hybrid optimal control problems with application to robotic walking. IFAC-PapersOnLine (Volume 55, Issue 5, Pages 181-186). [PDF]

12.                     Tyler Westenbroek, Ayush Agrawal, Fernando Castaņeda, S Shankar Sastry, Koushil Sreenath. Combining model-based design and model-free policy optimization to learn safe, stabilizing controllers. IFAC-PapersOnLine (Volume 54, Issue 5, Pages 19-24). [PDF]
