1. Henrik
Ohlsson, Allen Y. Yang, Roy Dong and S. Shankar Sastry. Compressive
Phase Retrieval From Squared Output Measurements Via Semidefinite Programming. 16th IFAC Symposium on System
Identification, SYSID 2012. [PDF]
2. Sam
Burden, Henrik Ohlsson and S. Shankar Sastry. Parameter
Identification Near Periodic Orbits of Hybrid
Dynamical Systems. 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID
2012. [PDF]
3. Henrik
Ohlsson, Tianshi Chen, Sina Khoshfetrat Pakazad, Lennart Ljung, Shankar Sastry. Distributed
Change Detection. 16th IFAC Symposium on System
Identification, SYSID 2012. [PDF]
4. Henrik
Ohlsson, Yonina C. Eldar, Allen Y. Yang and S. Shankar Sastry.
Compressive Shift Retrieval, ICASSP
2012. [PDF]
5. Henrik
Ohlsson, Allen Yang, Roy Dong and S. Shankar Sastry. CPRL -- An
Extension of Compressive Sensing to the Phase Retrieval Problem, Advances
in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 1376-1384 2012 [PDF]
6. Henrik
Ohlsson, Allen Yang, Roy Dong and S. Shankar Sastry. Compressive Phase Retrieval via Lifting,
Snowbird 2012. [PDF]
7. Dheeraj
Singaraju, Roberto Tron,
Ehsan Elhamifar, Allen Yang, and Shankar Sastry. On
the Lagrangian biduality of
sparsity minimization problems. ICASSP, 2012. [PDF]
8. Alvaro
A. Cardenas, Saurabh Amin, Galina Schwartz, Roy Dong,
Shankar Sastry. A
Game Theory Model for Electricity Theft Detection and Privacy-Aware Control in
AMI Systems. 2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication,
Control, and Computing (Allerton). October 1-5, 2012 8 pages. [PDF]
9. Lillian
Ratliff, Samuel Coogan, Daniel Calderone,
S. Shankar Sastry. Pricing in Linear-Quadratic Dynamic Games. 50th Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, 2012. [PDF]
Nikhil Naikal,
Dheeraj Singaraju, Shankar Sastry. Using Models
of Objects with Deformable Parts for Joint Categorization and Segmentation of
Objects. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer
Vision (ACCV) 2012, Part II, LNCS 7725.[PDF]
G. Schwartz, H. Tembine,
S. Amin, and S. Sastry, Electricity demand response via randomized rewards, in Proceedings
of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
IEEE. Monticello, IL: IEEE Press, Oct. 2012. [PDF]