Samyukta Yagati

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student coadvised by Professor Ion Stoica and Professor Raluca Ada Popa at UC Berkeley as part of the Sky Computing group. Previously, I was at MIT in the Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems (PDOS) group. I am grateful to be supported by an NSF GRFP fellowship. I prefer to go by Samyu.

My interests are in distributed systems and enforcing access control in new settings introduced by the rise of cloud computing.


Exoshuffle: An Extensible Shuffle Architecture [SIGCOMM 2023]
Frank Sifei Luan, Stephanie Wang, Samyukta Yagati, Sean Kim, Kenneth Lien, Isaac Ong, Tony Hong, SangBin Cho, Eric Liang, Ion Stoica

Efficient Privacy Policies in Multiverse Databases [SOSP SRC 2019; Gold Medal, Graduate Student Category]
Samyukta Yagati (Advised by Malte Schwarzkopf, Eddie Kohler, Robert Morris, M. Frans Kaashoek).

Towards Multiverse Databases [HotOS 2019]
Alana Marzoev, Lara Timbó Araújo, Malte Schwarzkopf, Samyukta Yagati, Eddie Kohler, Robert Tappan Morris, M. Frans Kaashoek, Sam Madden

Discovery of hierarchical representations for efficient planning [PLoS Computational Biology 16:4]
Momchil S. Tomov, Samyukta Yagati, Agni Kumar, Wanqian Yang, Samuel J. Gershman

A subset of things I do outside of work

  • Modular origami is a relatively new hobby. The pictured pieces are each composed of thirty separate modules, and are held together by interlocking paper pieces without string or glue.

  • I've been painting and drawing for a long time, and I draw and paint a variety of things, like portraits, figures, typography, and abstract art. Pictured is an acrylic painting from when I was into sunset-scapes.


samyu [at]