Adoptions of AI: A Modern Approach

This page lists *SCHOOLS* schools that have adopted Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach for *COURSES* courses. *WEB* of these courses are (or were) on the web, and are linked with @-signs below. Please let us know of any courses we missed. A table of chapter by chapter syllabi is listed separately. Lists of the American top 40 computer science departments and of countries where the book is used are also provided. *TABLE*

Countries Where AIMA is Used


American Top 40 CS Departments

According to a September 1995 survey of research/doctorate programs done by the National Research Council, and publicized by the Computing Research Association, these are the 40 top-ranked computer science departments in the United States. The ones that are known to have adopted AIMA are shown in bold; this comprises all the schools in the top 30 that have an AI course. For more complete lists of computer science departments, see the data bases at CRA, MIT or CMU.

 1. Stanford University
 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 3. University of California at Berkeley
 4. Carnegie Mellon University
 5. Cornell University
 6. Princeton University
 7. University of Texas at Austin
 8. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
 9. University of Washington
10. University of Wisconsin at Madison
11. Harvard University
12. California Institute of Technology
13. Brown University
14. Yale University
15. University of California at Los Angeles
16. University of Maryland
17. New York University
18. University of Massachusetts at Amherst
19. Rice University
20. University of Southern California

21. University of Michigan
22. University of California at San Diego
23. Columbia University
24. University of Pennsylvania
25. University of Chicago
26. Purdue University
27. Rutgers University
28. Duke University
29. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
30. University of Rochester
31. SUNY at Stony Brook
32. Georgia Institute of Technology
33. University of Arizona
34. University of California at Irvine
35. University of Virginia
36. Indiana University
37. Johns Hopkins University
38. Northwestern University
39. Ohio State University
40. University of Colorado

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