Model 01q is the first model designed for
modular mounting onto either the flight mill or the body force sensor.
An oversized airframe (17mm long prism w/ equilateral triangular
x-section, 12mm on a side) was built for easier mounting of the piezos.
Oversized piezos were also used, resulting in an overall mass of roughly
410mg. When mounted on the flightmill, driving the wing with pulses from
0-50V, with 50% duty cycle and a phase lag of 90 degrees (top actuator
leading), the resulting "resonant frequency" was 172 Hz and generated a
circumferential "thrust" force of 41uN (measurement was based on estimates
of rotational inertia when mounted on flightmill and angular acceleration;
a normal force was also clearly present but this was more difficult to
Schematic showing design dimensions
Fabrication Parameters
4-bar link lengths (shown in orange): 6.6mm, 6mm, 6mm, 1mm
Slider crank attachment point (blue/orange intersection): 1mm??
Wing inertia: 20 mg-mm^2??
Actuators: 135um?? x 5mm x 5mm PZN-PT (red), 75um?? x 5mm x 8mm steel (green)