01-Gamma (γ)
Date of Fabrication
January 2001
Photo of 01-gamma
01-γ was constructed as the first 2 DOF structure using PZT's. (Note:
00-η was the first 2 DOF structure which used Thunder actuators). The
wing was constructed to have a very large area which in turn caused a huge
inertia. Furthermore, this structure was constructed before the effect of
wing shape was well understood. This resulted in an "upside-down" wing
placement. This means that the link with the passive DOF at the base was
used as the "lagging" or the "bottom" spar. This lead to a large asymmetry
in the inertias as seen by the 2 spars.
Salient performance features
- Resonance : 30-40 Hz.
- Wing rotation : 90 degrees.
- Wing flapping : 180 degrees.
- DC flapping and rotation : 60 degrees / 90 degrees.
Fabrication Parameters
Fourbar parameters
- Link lengths: 6,6,6,1 mm.
- Slider crank attachment: 2 mm.
Wing Differential parameters
- Differential transmission ratio, λ = 1 (Note: the very low
transmission ratio led to a further loss in matching).
- Link lengths used in differential: spar lengths = 2 mm. Spar
seperation = 1 mm.
Wing parameters
- Wing inertia: 178 mg-mm^2 (this is about an order of magnitude greater
than the wings used presently).