Micromechanical Flying Insect

Micromechanical Flying Insect (MFI) Artist's Conception

Artist's drawing of future autonomous MFI, as of 2/04 (R.J. Wood/UCBerkeley).

Artist's conception of future MFI with optical flow sensors and radio. (Quan Gan, UC Berkeley, March 2004)

(Quan Gan, UC Berkeley, March 2004)

2560x1920 image (Quan Gan, UC Berkeley, March 2004)
On this page are artist's conceptions showing planned designs for the MFI previous to 2002. Current designs use carbon fiber fabrication technology and have evolved considerably.
Design from 2001:

High resolution 2560x1920 image

Exploded MFI

Historical Images of MFI

(Original drawings by K. Chiang and D. Pick, 6/98)
Spring 2000
Fall 1999
Summer 1999
Summer 1998