Desktop Rapid Prototyping Millirobots Movies

Automatic Attachment of Handling Block to Strain Gage (Movie)

movie of block being attached to a strain gage and the combination being picked up
This movie has been sped up 10 times and for the first 14 seconds, the user is specifying the location of the block, wax, and two points on the strain gage.  Then a totally automated procedure begins where the block is picked up, dipped in wax, and attached to the strain gage.  Then the block and strain gage combination is picked up and moved around.

Automatic Attachment of Handling Block to Flexure (.mpg Movie 19MB)

Block being attached to flexure
Again, like the movie above, this movie has been sped up 10 times and the first 46 seconds involve the user specifying the location of the block, wax, and two points on the flexure.  Then the totally automated procedure of picking up the block, dipping it in wax, attaching it to the flexure, and then moving the combination begins.

Movie of automated assembly sequence (MPEG 1.48 MB). (MPEG 16 MB).
This operation is completely open-loop, resulting in accumulated alignment errors.
Eiji Shimada Dexterous Manipulation Primitives (viewpoint)
1.Pick&Place( Top, Side)
2.Part rolling( Top, Side)
3.Pivot grasp( Top, Side)
4.Regrasp( Top, Side)

Movie: assemble clock script

Here is a MPEG movie of the assemble clock script. (The movie is shown at 10x speed.) There are 12 blocks on a pre-arranged pallet. The script locates each block, grasps it, and places it around the circle of a "clock face." Note that it rotates each block according to its position on on the clock face. Note also that before grasping the block for a position, it first tests the position to determine the exact Z level of the surface. (Movie by Jeff Thompson.)
More movies can be found on the following pages

Dexterous Micromanipulation and Microassembly

Eiji Shimada's Microassembly page

Manipulation of Microparts Using Force Controlled Pushing

Microrobotics and Millirobotics Research