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Ronald S. Fearing

Professor in the Graduate School
John William MacKay, Jr. Electrical Engineering Professor Emeritus
Dept. of EECS #1770,
Univ. of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
Phone: (510) 642-9193

Affiliate of UCB/UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering
Office hours by appointment by zoom only:
Email: ronf at eecs
Ron Fearing picture
(photo credit A. Fearing)

EECS192 Mechatronics Design Lab Sp 2021
NATCAR web site
Old pages for Reference
EEC128/MEC134 Feedback Control Fall 2020 , Fall 2019 , Fall 2018 , Spring 2017 , Fall 2015
EECS192 Mechatronics Design Lab Sp 2017 , Sp 2018 , Sp 2019 , Sp 2020 , Sp 2021
EE375 Fall 2013 Teaching Techniques for Electrical Engineering, EE301 Spring 2009
CS298-sa Seminar on Self-Assembly Fall 2005


Please see Biomimetic Millisystems Lab for  research activities.
Fly Ant

Graduate Handbook 2019-2020 and Jan. 2021. 2020-2021
Information for Prospective Graduate Students
Schedule of Classes
Interesting Quotes

Professional Information
Ronald Fearing is John William MacKay, Jr. Electrical Engineering Professor Emeritus in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at Univ. of California, Berkeley, which he joined in Jan. 1988. He was Vice-Chair for Undergraduate Matters from 2000-2006 and was Vice-Chair for EE Graduate Matters (2016-2021). His current research interests are in bioinspired milli-robotics, including mobile milli-robots, cooperative locomotion, actuation, rapid prototyping, and parallel nano-grasping (gecko adhesion). He has worked in tactile sensing, teletaction, and dextrous manipulation. He has a PhD from Stanford in EE (1988) and SB and SM in EECS from MIT (1983). He received the Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1991 and is the co-inventor on 21 US and international patents.
CV (Mar. 2025) Google Scholar

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