Thoughts: 2 hours discussion Internet-based readings Independent research project and presentation to the class Organized around six themes, each covering 2 weeks, with presentations at the end of the semester Possible Themes: 1. Military Secrets, Signals Intelligence, Cryptoanalysis, and the Computer 2. Mutually Assured Destruction, Nuclear War, Command & Control, and the Internel 3. War of Attrition, Bombing Raids and Convoys, and Operations Research 4. Precision Weapons, High Technology Warfare, and GPS 5. Information Warfare, Computer Security, Hackers, and Infrastructure Protection 6. Cybernetics? Smart Weapons? Artificial Intelligence? Pattern Recognition? 7. Your idea for a theme here! Randy I received this from an old colleague at DARPA Interesting political/economic twist on technology in warfare, particularly from the recent past randy note chapter on US anti-sub effort 1942

Military Misfortunes: The Anatomy of Failure in War
by Eliot A. Cohen, John Gooch (Contributor)

Best references would seem to be van creveld however

see you tomorrow afternoon ...

I need to leave a bit early Wednesday afternoon I don't suppose you would have time to meet between 1 and 2:30? randy it would be good to compare calendars for the Spring--I know I will miss a few wednesdays, and perhaps we should think through how that affects the meeting plan (or think through moving a meeting or two). randy sorry will need to cancel tomorrow will be off campus I am finding some very good references on the history of technology index! randy ... sorry will be down in Silicon Valley for an advisory board randy check out this web page and the further links at the end of it have not been able to find Admiral Train's (note spelling) analysis on the web randy On 12th May, H.M.S. Brilliant a Type 22 Frigate, equipped with the potent Sea Wolf point-defence missile system, blew two Argentine skyhawks out of the sky and forced a third into the sea. A second wave got through due to a fault in Brilliants' Sea Wolf system and hit Glasgow, the bomb however, passed right through the ship without exploding. Taking on water, Glasgow retired to make temporary repairs and stayed on station for a further three weeks before returning home. A third attack was met by Harriers, from which they broke off and turned for home. Throughout all of these actions, the ships refuelled every other day from the fleet of supply ships kept out of range of the enemy's aircraft east of the Falklands.

... I believe the fault in the defensive system was what I had remembered ... now to find out the details!
