CS 39K Assignment 1

CS 39K Assignment 1


You will need to prepare a brief study of an insurgency. In class, you chose or were assigned to a group. Each group will be assigned one of the following four topics. Within your group, you should discuss the topic, and the group should prepare a short briefing paper describing

We do not require that the group agree on all (or any) of these points. You should feel free to append a reasoned minority report if you disagree with the main document.

This group report is mainly a matter of facts. You should prepare a short individual report describing what you would do to start and run an insurgency in the context that your group report decides. What was unsuccessful about the insurgency? What should have been done instead? What did they do that made them vulnerable to counter-insurgents? What should they have done?

There is no set length to this assignment, but recall that it's usually easier to write long than short. Later on, we are going to swap topics and prepare counter insurgency strategies --- you will determine how to defeat an insurgency whose strategies you don't know, but were prepared by one of your classmates --- so it's important to prepare careful briefs about the facts on the ground and to think about what a successful strategy might be.

These reports are due in week 8 at the start of class (10 Mar). The four insurgencies are:

  1. Group 1: IRA insurgency in Ireland from 1970 to the present
  2. Group 2: Palestinian insurgency in Israel and territories 1967-present
  3. Group 3: ANC/PAC insurgency in South Africa from 1970-ANC government
  4. Group 4: Insurgency in Soviet occupied Afghanistan, from Soviet occupation to withdrawal