CS 252 PROJECT SURVEY Spring 1996

The schedule for your project over the rest the semester is as follows:

This questionaire constitutes the second project checkpoint, and is due Monday, 8 April. Submit only one form per project. When you have completed the following questions, select the "Send Mail" button below.


E-Mail Address:  


Concise Project Title:

Names of Project Partners:

Provide a revised abstract of your project:

It is only necessary to fill this in if you have changed or refined the focus of your project from the last submitted survey form. It is important to fill this in if you are planning to scale back your project from your original proposal.

What is the key contribution you hope to achieve with your project?

What do you hope to prove (or disprove) with your project? What is the research hypothesis to be tested by the project? Who would be interested in your research results, and why? Again, it is only necessary to fill this out if your project has changed focus or been scaled back from your initial proposal.

What have you accomplished since the last survey, submitted on 18 March?

For example: Is your experimental environment in place and operational? Do you have initial results? What is their nature? Do you have initial explanations for your observations?

How far did you fall short of your expectations from that previous survey?

If you are not close to achieving your initial expectations, you must begin to think about scaling back your effort. Why have you fallen short, and how are you planning to scale back the project? Remember that an ambitious but incomplete effort is not as valuable as one less ambitious that succeeds incompleting a detailed evaluation and analysis of your ideas.

What steps remain in order for you to complete your project?

Your project is due in only four weeks! You must use your remaining time to best effect. Rather than collecting more data, it may make sense to analyze what you already have in hand.

What is your project's web page?

We now EXPECT you to have a project web page. What is your URL?

What additional help do you need for your project?

We are here to help! Just ask.

Any other comments or questions for us?

For example: Have you found the meetings with the TA to be useful? How might we have provided you more help in formulating your project and checking on your progress? One of the reasons we would like web versions of your final report is to have a convenient on-line record of recent projects. Do you think this is a good idea?

Last Modified: 17:30am PST, March 30, 1996,
Randy H. Katz, randy@cs.Berkeley.edu