CS 294. Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Spring 2025

Lecture: Friday, 1pm-3pm
Instructor: Prasad Raghavendra
Office hours: Wednesday 11:00-12:00pm

Course Description

Constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) are perhaps the most extensively studied family of problems in theoretical computer science. Deep and comprehensive theories have emerged around answering the following questions concerning constraint satisfaction problems:

(CSP Dichotomy Theorem)

(PCP Theorem, Semidefinite programming, Unique Games Conjecture)

Yet, several new settings for CSPs and fundamental avenues for inquiry still remain open. For example,

In this course, we will try to survey the above topics. A tentative list of topics include the following:



The class is aimed at graduate students specializing in theoretical computer science,statistics or related areas. A solid background in probability and linear algebra is an absolute must.
