How to have a Bad Career in Research/Academia
David A. Patterson
Computer Science Division/EECS Department
University of California at Berkeley
The first-half of the talk is a tongue-in-cheek presentation of how
to have a bad career in research, including:
and suggestions along similar lines for writing bad papers, giving bad
talks, participating in bad poster sessions, and bad technology transfer.
Given my background, this advice is aimed at a bad career in computer
systems while at a research university, although I believe many lessons
While this talk is aimed at new faculty/researchers or those about
to take such a position, the first half includes advice about how
to have a bad graduate student career.
The second half of the talk is advice on alternatives to a bad career
as well as alternatives to bad talks, bad papers, bad posters, and a bad
graduate school career.
Papers mentioned in the talk (if links are broken, just use Google to
search for title; they are found in many places):