Articles about David A. Patterson, 
U.C. Berkeley Computer Science Professor

Ekland, Bridgit  "Marriage of expedience: A professor's latest innovation might change computing -- again," Red Herring, June 15 and July 1, 2001.

People In The News,  Electronic News, November 9, 1998,

Boyd-Merritt, Rick "IC@40: Introduction to 40 forces that will shape the semiconductor industry,"
"2: David Patterson and John Hennessy,"
Electronic Engineering Times, September 30, 1998, Issue 1028.

Takahashi, Dean, "Professor's Idea for Speedy Chip Could Be More Than Academic ,"
TheWall Street Journal, August 28, 1998, pages B1, B4.

Gwennap, Linley, "New Processor Paradigm: V-IRAM,"
Microprocessor Report,  Vol 12, Issue 3, March 9, 1998.

Boyd-Merritt, Rick " What will be the legacy of RISC?,"
Electronic Engineering Times, May 12, 1997, Issue 953.

Steinberg, Steve G. "Intelligent RAM: The coming convergence of memory and processors," Page 1/1 (230K jpeg)
Wired, August 1996.

Herbert, Wray and Amy Bernstein "Four scholars at the cutting edge (These scholars were chosen by their peers as intellectual pace setters in their academic disciplines) ,"
U.S. News & World Report, v120, n11 (March 18, 1996).

Price, Dick "Berkeley's Patterson predicts exciting times," Abstract
IEEE Micro, v13, n4 (August, 1993):4 (3 pages).

Poole, Gary Andrew " An unsung academic," Abstract
UNIX World, v9, n6 (June, 1992):57 (2 pages).

Markoff, John "Chip technology's friendly rivals. (John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson co-author computer science textbook)," Abstract
New York Times, v140 (June 4, 1991):C1(N), D1(L).

"The race for speed," Abstract
Electronic Engineering Times, September 1988: 49 (3 pages), Issue 503A.

Markoff, John "Shift to simplicity promises big advances in computing. (reduced instruction set computers)," Abstract
New York Times, v137, n47,477 (April 16, 1988):1(2)