Patterson Reunion Tuesday July 5

We tried paint ball at a place in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Although some came in camouflage gear and had their own guns, most of us were new to the sport. Great Dave and Lucie took care of Owyn Lucy while the rest played. Yeah!

Owyn Yeah 2

Fourteen of us played, and we tried to split up the camouflage people to balance the teams. John, Julie, Paul, Alissa, Dave, Zackary, and Lyle were on the red team and Don, Pat, Brian, Melissa, Sue, Linda, and Grand Dave were on the white team. Note the age difference of the teams. As expect, the younger team dominated capture the flag. Many people came in assuming they would play one game and leave, but everyone stayed for all seven games, despite the welts on just about everyone. There was a lot of running outdoors and yelling and shooting, and it was a lot of fun. All players want to do it next year.

Young WarriorsMasked AvengersUnmasked Avengers

Since perhaps only half of the time when you were hit by the paintball did it leave a splat, next year we may bring our own paintballs. In addition, as the private paint guns were an advantage, I suspect that many of us will have a paint ball gun on our Christmas lists for next year.

That evening we went to see "War of the Worlds," and I think we gave it 30 thumb’s ups.

David, Zack, and Owyn had such a good time that David asked his company for a few more days of vacation, so they were able to stay the whole week for the first time.