Six hardy fisherpeople--Alissa, Don, Paul, Sue, Great
and Grand Dave-- left house at 5:15AM to fish for salmon, including Sue
as a first
timer. We steamed towards Moss Landing on The Bequia. Moss
Landing is across
Highway 1 from Elkhorn Slough. The prior
weekend in a
fishing derby someone landed a 43-pound salmon. At
the time, they were catching 3 or 4 salmon per boat, or ½ fish
pole. We planned to do better.
As usual, Paul started the event by hooking and landing the first fish.
It was about a 20-pound Chinook salmon. Twenty minutes later he hooked
another large fish that shook the hook just before reaching the boat.
He then landed a 20-pound Silver salmon, which is protected in the
Monterrey Bay and so we released it.
I then asked Paul how he was fishing, and followed his advice
well, as I landed one Chinook a little smaller than Paul’s and then one
a little bigger. We all had bites, but those four fish were all we
landed for the day.