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The Margulis-Gabber-Galil Expanders [M73, GG81, T14]

[M73] Grigorii Aleksandrovich Margulis. 1973. Explicit constructions of concentrators. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 9, 4 (1973), 71–80. [GG81] Ofer Gabber and Zvi Galil. 1981. Explicit constructions of linear-sized superconcentrators. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 22, 3 (June 1981), 407–420. DOI: [T14] Luca Trevisan. 2014. Lecture Notes on Expansion, Sparsest Cut, and Spectral Graph Theory.

Liquid Democracy [KMP18, GKMP18]

[KMP18] Anson Kahng, Simon Mackenzie, and Ariel D Procaccia. 2018. Liquid Democracy: An Algorithmic Perspective. (2018). Retrieved from [GKMP18] Paul Gölz, Anson Kahng, Simon Mackenzie, and Ariel D Procaccia. 2018. The Fluid Mechanics of Liquid Democracy. (2018).

Pseudorandom Permutations of a Prescribed Type [NR02]

[NR02] Moni Naor and Omer Reingold. 2002. Constructing Pseudo-Random Permutations with a Prescribed Structure. Journal of Cryptology 15, 2 (January 2002), 97–102. DOI:

MAXCUT Is UGC-hard to Approximate [KKMO07]

[KKMO07] Subhash Khot, Guy Kindler, Elchanan Mossel, and Ryan O’Donnell. 2007. Optimal Inapproximability Results for MAX‐CUT and Other 2‐Variable CSPs? SIAM Journal on Computing 37, 1 (January 2007), 319–357. DOI:

Liquid Democracy [BBCV11, KMP18]

[BBCV11] Paolo Boldi, Francesco Bonchi, Carlos Castillo, and Sebastiano Vigna. 2011. Viscous democracy for social networks. Communications of the ACM 54, 6 (June 2011), 129. DOI: [KMP18] Anson Kahng, Simon Mackenzie, and Ariel D Procaccia. 2018. Liquid Democracy: An Algorithmic Perspective. (2018). Retrieved from

Garland's Estimate Revisited—Laplacians of Simplicial Complexes [GW16]

[GW16] Anna Gundert and Uli Wagner. 2016. On eigenvalues of random complexes. Israel Journal of Mathematics 216, 2 (October 2016), 545–582. DOI: