Oleh /Oleg/ Rybkin

Hi! I am Oleh, a postdoc at the UC Berkeley BAIR lab working with Pieter Abbeel and Sergey Levine.

I am interested in intelligent agents that can learn general skills from large quantities of diverse data. I've also worked on unsupervised intelligent agents and agents with internal world models.

I received my Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania, where I worked with Kostas Daniilidis and Sergey Levine. Previously, I received my bachelor's degree from Czech Technical University in Prague. I've also spent time at INRIA, TiTech, Google, and DeepMind.

Happy to chat about research or potential collaborations - shoot me an email!

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  • April 2024: Two papers accepted at ICLR!
  • April 2023: Started my postdoc at UC Berkeley with Pieter Abbeel and Sergey Levine.
  • March 2023: Received my Ph.D. from UPenn!
  • Jan 2023: Paper on planning goals for exploration accepted to ICLR.
  • Publications (Highlighted / All)
    Science reading list
    This is a list some books and shorter papers that changed my understanding of the field of AI and science in general. I hope you might find this useful too! The list is evolving, and suggestions for new reading material are welcome.

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas S. Kuhn.
    Vision, David C. Marr.

    Short works:
    Computing Machinery and Intelligence, Alan M. Turing.
    The importance of stupidity in scientific research, Martin A. Schwartz.
    You and Your Research, Richard W. Hamming.
    As we may think, Vannevar Bush.
    Levels of Analysis for Machine Learning, Jessica Hamrick, Shakir Mohamed.
    How to Do Great Work, Paul Graham.
    Collaborators and Students

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