From Ideas to Manufacturable Products
But Can We Really Specify or Even Describe Anything of Real Interest... ?
From Ideas to Manufacturable Products
"Engineering-Science" Problems
Classical Approaches to Design
"Traditional" Approach to Software Development
A Successful Model for EngineeringSoftware Development
The Paradox of Engineering Technology
The Paradox of Engineering Technology
Conceptual Blocksfrom "Conceptual Blockbusting," James L. Adams
Cultural and Environmental Blocks
Cultural and Environmental Blocks
Intellectual & Expressive Blocks
Why do Developers go Astray?from "The Design of Everyday Things," Donald A. Norman
Deadly Temptations of Engineering Design
The Use and Power of Constraints
Precise Behavior from Imprecise Knowledge
The Role of Abstraction in Design
The Role of Language in Design
3-Bit Parity Function: "Control-Oriented"
3-Bit Parity Function: "Dataflow-Oriented"
3-bit Parity Function:Possible VHDL Implementation
VHDL: The "nroff/latex" of Design
D. A. Norman's Principles for Transforming Difficult Tasks into Simple Ones
Responsibilities of a Technologist