Top Complaints, Spring 1996

Top Complaints, Spring 1996

Tally Concern

28 traffic, transportation problems, tailgaters, slow drivers in the fast lane

19 alarm clocks: setting them, waking up, loud noises, failure

19 financial problems

17 forgetting: lights, fan, locks

17 waiting, in line or otherwise

15 commercials: long, annoying, false advertising, loud, phone solicitations

15 telebears, voicemail, phone menus

12 cooking problems, washing dishes

12 keys: not working, looking for them in the dark, damaging clothes,

locking them in car

11 computer: slow, crashing, screen freezing

11 school problems: scheduling, registration, overcrowded,

requirements, bureaucracy

11 television: bad reception, broken, poor design

10 forgetting names, passwords, phone numbers, meetings, dates

10 homework

10 losing books, keys, or personal items

10 poor design of consumer electronics

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