Courses Taught
UC Courses
- EECS 290E Plasma modeling and simulation, 2001, 2003
- EECE 298-9 Seminar on plasma simulation. Seminar synched with topics in Professor Lieberman's EECS 239 Plasma Discharges.
Professor Birdsall also conducted hands-on courses on plasma modeling, simulation, applications at the following institutions:
UC Extension at San Francisco, Oxford University and Vienna
International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, 1985-1999
- University of Innsbruck 1991
Institute of Plasma Physics in Nogoya, 1981, 1988
National Institute of Plasma Science in Toki/Nagoya, Spring 2002
- National Institute of Plasma Science in Gunma, Fall 2003
UC Courses Taught From 1959-1991
- EECS 117A
- EECS 117B
- EECS 137
- ENGR 48
- EECS 239 A, B, C
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