Line (Trapezoid)
disp('#### Design a circular trajectory ####');
disp('#### ####');
disp(' ');
kx = linspace(-5,5, 256)';
ky = linspace(-5,5, 256)';
kz = 0*ky;
C = [kx ky kz];
[C_riv, time_riv, g_riv, s_riv, k_riv] = minTimeGradient(C,0, 0, 0, 4, 15, 4e-3);
[C_rv, time_rv, g_rv, s_rv, k_rv] = minTimeGradient(C,1, 0, 0, 4, 15, 4e-3);
L = max(length(s_riv), length(s_rv));
figure, subplot(2,2,1), plot(C_rv(:,1), C_rv(:,2)); title('k-space'); axis([-5 5 -5 5]);
subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_rv(:,1), 'r'); axis([0,L,-4.5,4.5]); title('gradient waveforms (R. Variant)'); axis([0 L 0 6]);
hold on, subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_rv(:,2), '-.');
legend('gx', 'gy', 'Location', 'NorthEast');
subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_riv(:,1).^2 + g_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'),
hold on, subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_rv(:,1).^2 + g_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r'); axis([0 L 0 6]);
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthEast'); title('gradient magnitude')
subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_riv(:,1).^2 + s_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'); title('slew-rate magnitude'); axis([0 L 0 27]);
hold on, subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_rv(:,1).^2 + s_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r');
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'NorthEast');
#### Design a circular trajectory ####
#### ####
Computing the rotationally invariant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
Final interpolation
Computing the rotationally variant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
disp('#### Design a circular trajectory ####');
disp('#### ####');
disp(' ');
C = exp(i*2*pi*linspace(0,1,512)')*10;
C = [real(C) imag(C) 0*C];
[C_riv, time_riv, g_riv, s_riv, k_riv] = minTimeGradient(C,0);
[C_rv, time_rv, g_rv, s_rv, k_rv] = minTimeGradient(C,1, 0);
L = max(length(s_riv), length(s_rv));
figure, subplot(2,2,1), plot(C_rv(:,1), C_rv(:,2)); title('k-space'); axis([-10 10 -10 10]);
subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,1)); axis([0,L,-4.5,4.5]); title('gradient waveforms (R. Variant)'); axis([0 L -6 6]);
hold on, subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,2), 'r');
legend('gx', 'gy', 'Location', 'NorthEast');
subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_riv(:,1).^2 + g_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'),
hold on, subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_rv(:,1).^2 + g_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r'); axis([0 L 0 6]);
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthEast'); title('gradient magnitude')
subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_riv(:,1).^2 + s_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'); title('slew-rate magnitude'); axis([0 L 0 20]);
hold on, subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_rv(:,1).^2 + s_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r');
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthEast');
#### Design a circular trajectory ####
#### ####
Computing the rotationally invariant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
Final interpolation
Computing the rotationally variant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
disp('#### Design a dual density spiral ####');
disp('#### ####');
disp(' ');
[k_rv,g_rv,s_rv,time_rv,Ck_rv] = vdSpiralDesign(1, 16, 0.83,[55,55,10,10],[0,0.2,0.3,1],4,15,4e-3,'cubic');
[k_riv,g_riv,s_riv,time_riv,Ck_riv] = vdSpiralDesign(0, 16, 0.83,[55,55,10,10],[0,0.2,0.3,1],4,15,4e-3,'cubic');
L = max(length(s_riv), length(s_rv));
figure, subplot(2,2,1), plot(k_rv(:,1), k_rv(:,2)); title('k-space'); axis([-6 6 -6 6]);
subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,1)); axis([0,L,-4.5,4.5]); title('gradient waveforms (R. Variant)')
hold on, subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,2), 'r');
legend('gx', 'gy', 'Location', 'NorthEast');
subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_riv(:,1).^2 + g_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'),
hold on, subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_rv(:,1).^2 + g_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r'); axis([0 L 0 6]);
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthEast'); title('gradient magnitude')
subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_riv(:,1).^2 + s_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'); title('slew-rate magnitude'); axis([0 L 0 20]);
hold on, subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_rv(:,1).^2 + s_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r');
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthWest');
#### Design a dual density spiral ####
#### ####
Computing the rotationally variant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
Computing the rotationally invariant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
Final interpolation
disp('#### Design a rosette trajectory ####');
disp('#### ####');
disp(' ');
Gmx = 4;
Smx = 15;
T = 17/Gmx;
Kmx = 6;
w1 = 0.147*2*pi*Gmx;
w2 = 0.087/1.02*2*pi*Gmx;
t = 0e-3:4e-3:T;
C = Kmx*sin(w1*t').*exp(i*w2*t');
C = [real(C) imag(C) 0*C];
[C_riv, time_riv, g_riv, s_riv, k_riv] = minTimeGradient(C,0);
[C_rv, time_rv, g_rv, s_rv, k_rv]= minTimeGradient(C,1, 0);
L = max(length(s_riv), length(s_rv));
figure, subplot(2,2,1), plot(C_rv(:,1), C_rv(:,2)); title('k-space'); axis([-6 6 -6 6]);
subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,1)); axis([0,L,-4.5,4.5]); title('gradient waveforms (R. Variant)')
hold on, subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,2), 'r');
legend('gx', 'gy', 'Location', 'NorthEast');
subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_riv(:,1).^2 + g_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'),
hold on, subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_rv(:,1).^2 + g_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r'); axis([0 L 0 6]);
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthEast'); title('gradient magnitude')
subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_riv(:,1).^2 + s_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'); title('slew-rate magnitude'); axis([0 L 0 20]);
hold on, subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_rv(:,1).^2 + s_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r');
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthWest');
#### Design a rosette trajectory ####
#### ####
Computing the rotationally invariant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
Final interpolation
Computing the rotationally variant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
disp('#### Design a cone trajectory ####');
disp('#### ####');
disp(' ');
r = linspace(0,5, 512)';
th = linspace(0,2*pi, 512)';
C = r.*exp(3*1i*th);
C = [real(C) imag(C) r];
figure, plot3(C(:,1), C(:,2), C(:,3))
title('k-space trajectory')
xlabel('k_x'); ylabel('k_y'); zlabel('k_z');
[C_rv, time_rv, g_rv, s_rv, k_rv] = minTimeGradient(C,0);
[C_riv, time_riv, g_riv, s_riv, k_riv] = minTimeGradient(C,1, 0);
L = max(length(s_riv), length(s_rv));
figure, subplot(2,2,1), plot3(C_rv(:,1), C_rv(:,2), C_rv(:,3)); title('k-space'); axis([-6 6 -6 6]);
subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,1)); axis([0,L,-4.5,4.5]); title('gradient waveforms (R. Invariant)')
hold on, subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,2), 'r');
hold on, subplot(2,2,2), plot(g_riv(:,3), 'g');
legend('gx', 'gy', 'gz', 'Location', 'NorthEast');
subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_rv(:,1).^2 + g_rv(:,2).^2).^0.5, '--'),
hold on, subplot(2,2,3), plot((g_riv(:,1).^2 + g_riv(:,2).^2).^0.5, 'r'); axis([0 L 0 6]);
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthEast'); title('gradient magnitude')
subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_rv(:,1).^2 + s_rv(:,2).^2+ s_rv(:,3).^2).^0.5, '--'); title('slew-rate magnitude'); axis([0 L 0 20]);
hold on, subplot(2,2,4), plot((s_riv(:,1).^2 + s_riv(:,2).^2+ s_riv(:,3).^2).^0.5, 'r');
legend('rotationally invariant', 'rotationally variant', 'Location', 'SouthWest');
#### Design a cone trajectory ####
#### ####
Computing the rotationally invariant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards
Final interpolation
Computing the rotationally variant solution
Compute geometry dependent constraints
Solving ODE Forward
Solving ODE Backwards