Spring 2006: CS 294-10 Visualization
- The readings should be read in time for discussion on the date they are
listed. Handout readings for the first week of class will be available
outside 615 Soda Hall starting Jan 10.
- Papers and articles available on the web will not be handed out
in class. Pointers to the online versions of papers are included by the
reference. You are expected to download and print these papers yourselves.
One reason for doing this is that many visualization papers contain pictures
that do not reproduce well when copied. Note that some of the papers come
from digital libraries that are accessible online only from machines on the
UCB network.
- Jan 17 The Purpose of Visualization
- Readings
- Chapter 1: Graphical Excellence, In
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Tufte.
- Chapter 1: Information Visualization, In Readings in Information Visualization. Card,
et al. (handout)
- Decision to
launch the Challenger, In Visual Explanations. Tufte. (handout)
- Jan 19 Data and Image Models
- Readings
The eyes have it, Schneiderman. (html)
The structure of the information visualization
design space. Card & Mackinlay. (ieee)
Chapter 2: Graphical Integrity, In The Visual
Display of Quantitative Information. Tufte.
Chapter 3: Sources of Graphical Integrity, In The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.
- Optional Readings
On the theory of scales of measurement. Stevens. (jstor)
- Jan 24 Designing Tables and Graphs to
Enlighten (Guest lecture by
Stephen Few)
- Readings
Chapter 8: Table Design, In Show Me the Numbers. Few (handout)
Chapter 4:
Data-Ink and Graphical Redesign, In The Visual Display of Quantitative
Information. Tufte.
Chapter 5: Chartjunk, In The Visual
Display of Quantitative Information. Tufte.
Chapter 6: Data-Ink Maximization and
Graphical Design, In The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.
- Jan 26 Introduction to
Tableau and
- Readings
Polaris (extended paper), Stolte, Tang
and Hanrahan (pdf)
Dynamic queries, starfield displays, and
the path to Spotfire. Schneiderman (html)
Chapter 8: Data Density and Small
Multiples, In The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Tufte.
- Chapter 2: Macro/Micro Readings, In
Envisioning Information. Tufte.
- Chapter 4: Small Multiples, In
Envisioning Information. Tufte.
- Jan 31 Perception
- Readings
Perception in visualization. Healey. (html)
- Graphical perception. Cleveland & McGill. (jstor)
Toward a perceptual science of multidimensional
data visualization: Bertin and beyond. Green. (handout)
Chapter 3: Layering and Separation, In Envisioning Information.
- Optional Readings
- Gestalt and composition. In Course #13, SIGGRAPH 2002. Durand. (1-up
pdf) (6-up
The psychophysics of sensory function. Stevens. (pdf)
- Feb 2 Interaction
- Readings
Perception in visualization. Healey. (html)
Visual information
seeking: Tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield
displays, Ahlberg & Shneiderman. (html)
Visual exploration
of time-series data, Hochheiser & Schneiderman. (html)
Postmortem of an
example, Bertin (handout)
The visual
design and control of the trellis display. Becker, Cleveland and Shyu. (ps)
Optional Readings
Table lens, Rao and Card, (acm)
Human guided search: Survey
and recent results, Klau, Lesch, Marks & Mitzenmacher. (pdf)
Design and evaluation of
incremental data structures and algorithms for dynamic query interfaces.
Tanin, Beigel & Schneiderman (citeseer)
Excentric labels
Table lens