Galapagos Bird Index
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The following photographs were taken between July 18 and August 1, 1978 on a University of California Extension study tour to the Galapagos Islands. The tour was led by Fernando Ortiz, Chairman of the Department of Ecology, Catholic University of Quito. Professor Ortiz had earned his PhD under Frank Pitelka at UC Berkeley. My camera was a Mamiya Sekor with a Soligor zoom lens.



Large-billed Flycatcher
James Is.

Warbler Finch
Tower Is.

Cactus Finch
Darwin Stn., Sta. Cruz Is.

Large Cactus Finch
Hood Is.

Large Cactus Finch
Tower Is.

Large Ground Finch
Tower Is.


Medium Ground Finch
Darwin Stn., Sta. Cruz Is.

Sharp-beaked Ground Finch
Tower Is.

Small Ground Finch
James Is.

Vegetarian Finch
Darwin Stn., Sta. Cruz Is.

Large Tree Finch (lower left)
Small Tree Finch (upper right)
James Is.

Galapagos Mockingbird
Fernandina Is.


Hood Mockingbird
Hood Is.

Striated Heron
Isabella Is.

Female Great Frigatebird
Tower Is.

Male Great Figatebird
Tower Is.

Juvenile Great Frigatebird
Tower Is.

Female Magnificent Frigatebird
Hood Is.


Nazca Booby
Hood Is.

Blue-footed Booby Chick
Seymour Is.

Blue-footed Booby nest (1)
Seymour Is.

Blue-footed Booby nest (2)
Seymour Is.

Red-footed Booby
Tower Is.

Lava Gulls
Seymour Is.


Swallow-tailed Gull
Hood Is.

Swallow-tailed Gull
Tower Is.

Brown Pelican Nestlings
Isabella Is.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron
James Is.

Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Tower Is.

Waved Albatross
Hood Is.


Short-eared Owl
Tower Is.

Flightless Cormorant and Marine Iguanas
Fernandina Is.

Greater Flamingo
Floreana Is.

Galapagos Penguin
Fernandina Is.

Nazca Boobies

Blue-footed Booby


Sky-pointing Waved Albatross
Hood Is.

Waved Albatross ready for takeoff
Hood Is.

Juvenile Swallow-tailed Gull
Hood Is.

Galapagos Dove
Tower Is.

Red-billed Tropicbird
Hood Is.

American Oystercatcher
James Is.


Galapagos Tortoise
Santa Cruz Is.

Sally Lightfoot
Fernandina Is.

Southern Fur Seal
James Is.

California Sea Lion
Seymour Is.

Marine Iguana
Isabella Is.

Land Iguana
Barrington Is.