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Mustache Conger in a very large tidepool

At the north end of Ulua Beach is a shallow bench that is uncovered at low tide, leaving many tide pools. In January, 1986, I spent several evenings exploring those pools-- mostly on foot with a headlamp. Each evening, this conger emerged from the deeper water on the north edge of the bench and snaked its way from pool to pool, catching fish. I was snorkeling in a very large pool, photographing fish in their night colors, when the conger joined me. Here it is hunting in that pool. One of its hunting modes seemed to be very similar to that of the Cornetfish, move close to the prey, then gape and suck (open the mouth quickly, sucking in the nearby water and small fish). This produces an audible sound. I watched with an underwater flashlight as one small fish after another disappeared, each disappearance accompanied by the gape-and-suck sound.

Last updated 03/14/14