African Photo Index I
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Ned and I shared two cameras, a Nikon F3 with an f8, 500 mm mirror lens, and a Nikon 2020 with an AF zoom lens. We used Kodachrome 64 and Kodak TMAX films. Here are links to a few of our photographs from the Tanzania-Zimbabwe trip.


Savannah scene
The Serengeti, June, 1987

Kilimanjaro, June, 1987

Masai Lion
The Serengeti, June, 1987

Grant's Zebras
The Serengeti, June, 1987

Nesting Blacksmith Plover
The Serengeti, June, 1987

Lake Manyara, June, 1987


Cape Buffalo
Ngorongoro Crater, June, 1987

Black Rhinoceros
Ngorongoro Crater, June, 1987

Black-faced Vervet Monkey
Lake Manyara, June, 1987

African Elephants
Hwange Nat'l Park, July, 1987

Victoria Falls
July, 1987

Zambezi River
below Victoria Falls
July, 1987


Thomson's Gazelle
Serengeti, June, 1987

White Rhinoceros
Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe
June, 1987

Serengti, June, 1987

White-backed Vulture
Serengeti, June, 1987

Black-backed Jackel
Serengeti, June, 1987

Spotted Hyena
Serengeti, June, 1987