12/14/2023 | Final Paper Due Tomorrow @AOE | Hello, all. Your paper is due tomorrow via the edit mechanism on your project [again, just click Edit and look at the bottom of the page!]. The timestamp on the paper section of the edit page will be your timestamp. The paper is due tomorrow (Friday the 15th) @AOE, which means that as long as it is Friday somewhere on Earth you are not late. Practically, this means by 5am on Saturday, but please do not push it that far! Some details about your paper:
12/06/2023 | Please Upload Posters! | Hey, all. Please upload your posters to your project. [ just click Edit and look at bottom of page! ] |
12/02/2023 | Poster Session Details | Poster Session is December 5th from 9:00AM - 12:30PM in the Soda 5th-floor Atrium. Setup starts at 8:30. You need to be ready to go precisely at 9:00AM, so please come early and plan to stay for the whole time. 1) I will provide stands, poster board, and clips for your posters. |
10/06/2023 | Project Sumission Site | Please use the "Add New Project" button off the projects page to add your project descrioption and proposal. In your proposal, make sure to include:
Remember that the proposal is due today! |
10/03/2023 | Project Suggestions | I have uploaded several project suggestions. See HERE. |
8/28/2023 | Readings | Don't forget to look on the lecture schedule for upcoming readings! (including Reading #3 for Wednesday, 8/30 |
8/22/2023 | Readings! | Please read the first paper before the first class. It is available here: Reading 1 |
CS262a | Welcome to CS262 for Fall 2023! |