
CS252: Project Proposal
Due Monday Oct 19 via EMail

The project proposal should be about two formatted pages, including the
following information:

  • A list of the partner(s) for this project, including email addresses. It is assumed that most projects will consist of two people. Talk to me before proposing projects with more/less than that. This information should be clearly stated at the beginning of the proposal.
  • A few paragraphs of proposal (two or three), describing your project, the question that you are trying to answer, and the metrics/baselines against which will be judging your success.
  • A final section addressing each of the following organizational questions:
  • What is your plan of attack for this project?
  • What reading material have you collected? Anything missing?
  • What computing resources do you have for this project? Do you need access to additional rsources?
  • What work have you already done on this project?
  • How far do you expect to be by the next meeting (in about three weeks).
  • What questions or resources remain that prevent you from starting your projects?
  • Any other concerns/questions?
  • Proposals should be formatted in postscript. There needs to be only one proposal per group. To submit this proposal (by Monday at 5:00), send John Kubiatowicz and Aaron Brown a pointer to a new project-specific web-page including this proposal. Note that your final project submission will be on this web-page as well (so you are starting the process).

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    Maintained by Aaron Brown ( Last modified 23 September 1998.