R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R |
P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |
P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |
R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R |
Where R=rook, N=knight, B=bishop, Q=queen, K=king, P=pawn
History: A list of the moves which have taken place. It will store the moves as a pair of points and a piece. That way, a move can be undone by taking the piece at "to" and moving it to "from". Then killed_piece can be placed at "to".
class Point {
int x, y;
Point(int i, int j); // x = i; y = j;
int GetX();
int GetY();
void SetX(int i);
void SetY(int j);
void SetPoint(int i, int j); x = i; y = j;
The methods in the class are pretty trivial.Correctness/What to test for:
- if you create a Point with coordinates (a,b), you get those coordinates back when you call GetX() and GetY()
class History {
Board *board;
Point from; // the point a piece was moved from
Point to; // the point a piece was moved to
Piece killed_piece; // remembers what piece was killed
// on this move.
History *next;
History *prev;
History(Point f, Point t, Board* b, History *p);
SetNext(History *n);
void UndoLastMove();
void RedoUndoneMove();
History::History(Point f, Point t, Board* b, History *p) {
from = f;
to = t;
board = b;
prev = p;
next = NULL;
killed_piece = board->PieceAt(to);
}History::SetNext(...) -- trivial
Correctness/What to test for:
- When you undo a normal move (not a kill, castle, etc), the piece which moved goes back to where it came from.
- When you undo a castle, both the rook and the king go back to the correct position.
- When you undo a normal kill (not En Passant), the killed piece comes back.
- When you undo an En Passant kill, the pawn goes back to the right location.
- When you redo any move, it behaves correctly (hand-wavey because it's easier than undoing -- simply call Board::TryToMove() as if somebody had just tried to make that move)
Board: The board class will represent the playing board itself.
It will keep track of which pieces are in which positions at a given moment.
class Board {
Piece* the_board[width][height];
Color turn;
History* first_history;
History* last_history;
Point en_passant:
Board(); // creates board with pieces in initial configuration; white's turn
Piece* PieceAt(Point p); // return the piece at location p
Piece* PieceAt(int x, int y); // return the piece at location (x,y)
PlacePieceAt(Piece* p, Point* pt); // place piece p at location pt
void Move(Point p1, Point p2); // move piece at p1 to p2
void Move(Point p1, Point p2, Point ep); // move piece at p1 to p2, remembering
// space that was jumped over
void TryToMove(Point p1, Point p2);
Point GetEnPassant();
Board::Board() {
Piece *temp_piece;
turn = WHITE;
first_history = last_history = NULL;
en_passant = NULL;
for (int i; i < width; i++)
for (int j; j< width; j++) {
temp_piece = the correct piece (NULL for empty squares)
the_board[i][j] = temp_piece;
}// This method moves the piece occupying p1 to p2,
// without any check as to whether the move is legal
void Board::Move(Point p1, Point p2, Point ep) {
add the move from p1 to p2 to the history;
en_passant = ep;
change the turn;
set location p2 on the board to point to the piece that is at p1 now;
set location p1 to NULL;
}void Board::Move(Point p1, Point p2) {
Move(p1, p2, NULL);
}// Moves the piece from p1 to p2 only if the move is legal
void Board::TryToMove(Point p1, Point p2) {
Piece * temp_piece = piece at p1;
if (temp_piece != NULL)
}The rest of the methods are trivial.
Correctness/What to test for:
- TryToMove() will perform the specified move ONLY if it is legal:
- none of your own pieces occupy the space
- the move conforms with the definition of the behavior of the piece at p1
- the move does not put the player whose turn it is into check
- TryToMove() will take care of the necessary side effects:
- when you move a king or a castle, it is noted that that particular piece is no longer elligible for castling
- when you move a king to a castling position, the rook moves to his opposite side
- when you move a pawn two spaces forward, the fact that it may be killed En Passant is recorded
- when you move a piece to kill a pawn En Passant, the pawn is actually removed
- Move() will move the piece from p1 to p2, elliminating whatever piece happens to be at p2 at the moment
- All moves will be recorded in the history
Piece: We will need a class for all pieces to inherit from.
Therefore, we will create a class called Piece, which will implement some
shared methods between all pieces, as well as some virtual functions used
by all pieces.
Header:Pawn: This class inherits from Piece and defines it's own CanMove() and TryToMove(). A pawn is the only piece with any concept of direction (they can never move backwards), so the direction attribute is unique to this class.
class Piece {
Board* board;
Color color;
Point location;
virtual MoveType CanMove(Point p);
Piece(Point p, Color c, Board* b);
Point GetLocation();
Color GetColor();
void SetLocation(Point p);
void SetLocation(int x, int y);
virtual void TryToMove(Point p);
// returns ILLEGAL for illegal moves, ENPASSANT
// when the move kills a pawn by the en passant rule
MoveType Piece::CanMove(Point p) {
if (p is on the board) {
if (there is no piece at p)
if (board->GetEnPassant() == p)
return NORMAL;
if (the color of the piece at point p is different than mine)
return NORMAL;
return ILLEGAL;
}// moves the piece to p only if the move is legal
// kills the en passant pawn if necessary
void Piece::TryToMove(Point p) {
if (CanMove(p) != ILLEGAL)
if (CanMove(p) == ENPASSANT)
kill pawn;
board->Move(location, p);
}All other methods are trivial.
Correctness/What to test for:
- CanMove() does not allow a piece to take another of the same color.
- CanMove() does not allow moving a piece off the board.
- CanMove() does not allow a move which would put the current player in check.
- TryToMove() only makes the move when CanMove() says it is legal.
- pawns are correctly killed in En Passant.
Header:Bishop: This class inherits from Piece and defines it's own CanMove(). Piece::TryToMove() is sufficient for bishop, because they have no special moves like double step or en passant that we have to deal with.
class Pawn : Piece {
int direction; // 1 for up, -1 for down
bool CanMove(Point p);
Pawn(Point p, Color c, Board * b, int d);
void TryToMove(Point p);
Pawn::Pawn(Point p, Color c, Board* b) {
Piece(p, c, b);
if (c = WHITE)
direction = 1;
direction = -1;
}// redefine CanMove according the rules of pawn movement
MoveType Pawn::CanMove(Point p) {
if(Piece.CanMove(p) == ILLEGAL)
return ILLEGAL;
int dy = p.GetY() - location.GetY();
int dx = p.GetX() - location.GetX();
if(dy == direction) { // one space forward
if ((abs(dx) == 1) && (piece at p is opposite color)) // if we're killing diagonally
return NORMAL;
if ((dx == 0) && (point p is unoccupied)) // one step forward
return NORMAL;
if ((dy == 2*direction)
&& (dx == 0)
&& (point p is unnoccupied)
&& (point (location.getX(), location.getY() + direction) is unoccupied)
return ILLEGAL;
}// redefine TryToMove such that, if this pawn made a double step,
// the fact that it can be killed en passant is recorded
void Pawn::TryToMove(Point p) {
MoveType mt = CanMove(p);
if (mt != ILLEGAL) {
if (mt == DOUBLESTEP)
board->Move(location, p, space between location and p);
else {
if (mt == ENPASSANT)
kill pawn;
board->Move(location, p);
}Correctness/What to test for:
- pawns make all of the correct moves:
- a pawn may move one space forward any time the space in front of it is unoccupied
- a pawn may move one space diagonally forward to kill piece of the opposite color
- a pawn may move two spaces forward if the two spaces in front of it are unoccupied and it is still in its starting location
- a pawn must be exchanged for another type of piece if it makes it to the other side of the board.
Header:Rook, Knight, etc... You get the idea. (btw, you CANNOT say this on your design doc...)
class Bishop : Piece {
MoveType CanMove(Point p);
MoveType Bishop::CanMove(Point p) {
MoveType move = Piece.CanMove();
if (move == ILLEGAL)
return ILLEGAL;
int dy = p.GetY() - location.GetY();
int dx = p.GetX() - location.GetX();
if (abs(dx) == abs(dy)) //same distance in x and y dirs
if (no pieces between location and p)
return move;
return ILLEGAL;
}Correctness/What to test for:
- Bishops make the correct moves:
- a bishop may move any distance diagonally in any direction as long as it doesn't "go over" another piece.
- a bishop may kill by landing on its space if the piece is on a space the bishop can legally move to.