Multiprocessors Should Support Simple Memory Consistency Models Mark D. Hill Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison 1210 West Dayton St. Madison, WI 53706 USA Abstract Are you an author of low-level software or a multiprocessor hardware implementor/verfier? Do memory consistency models make your head hurt and distract you the the software or hardware issues that you want to tackle? I was among those who inflicted relaxed memory consistency models on you so that you could see higher performance than with sequential consistency. I have repented. This talk argues that multiprocessors should implement sequential consistency or, in some cases, a model that just relaxes the ordering from writes to reads. I argue against using aggressively relaxed models because, with the advent of speculative execution, these models do not give a sufficient performance boost to justify exposing their complexity to the authors of low-level software. This talk is based on a Cybersquare piece that appears in August 1998 IEEE Computer.