© 2015 Koushik Sen
Windows or Linux or Mac OS X. Sun's JDK 1.6 and ant (http://ant.apache.org/).
The infrastructure required to implement the tool can be downloaded from http://srl.cs.berkeley.edu/~ksen/hw1.zip . Invoke the following commands to install the infrastructure.
uncompress hw1.zip cd hw1 ant ant instrument-benchmarks
Input: A Java program, say Testme.java. The following library functions can used to provide primitive inputs to a Java program
int edu.berkeley.cs.wise.concolic.Concolic.input.Integer() long edu.berkeley.cs.wise.concolic.Concolic.input.Long() short edu.berkeley.cs.wise.concolic.Concolic.input.Short() byte edu.berkeley.cs.wise.concolic.Concolic.input.Byte() char edu.berkeley.cs.wise.concolic.Concolic.input.Character() boolean edu.berkeley.cs.wise.concolic.Concolic.input.Boolean()
See the Java files in the directory benchmarks/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/ to understand the usage of these functions. In this assignment, we will assume that inputs can only be of integral primitive types, such as int, char, long, short, byte, long.
Given a Java program, we want to generate inputs using concolic execution. The generated inputs should explore all feasible execution paths of the program. The infrastructure provides two scripts: run-jcute.sh and runall.sh. Run "ant instrument-benchmarks" to instrument all Java files under the directory benchmarks/. The instrumented classes are generated in the tmpclasses/ directory.
If we execute an instrumented Java class, it generates a file called “trace”. Try the following commands to see the trace file.
java -cp tmpclasses:classes edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Testme cat trace
An execution of the instrumented executable file reads a special file “input”, if present, to initialize the inputs. If the input file is absent, then all the inputs are initialized to 0 during the execution. A complete snapshot of the above 3 commands is given below.
Koushik-Sens-MacBook-Pro:hw1 ksen$ ant instrument-benchmarks Buildfile: /Users/ksen/hw1/build.xml init: build-project: [echo] wise: /Users/ksen/hw1/build.xml build-benchmarks: [echo] wise: /Users/ksen/hw1/build.xml build: instrument-benchmarks-clean: [delete] Deleting: /Users/ksen/hw1/iidToLine.map [delete] Deleting: /Users/ksen/hw1/iidToLine.map.html instrument-benchmarks: [java] Soot started on Wed Sep 07 22:10:53 PDT 2011 [java] No main class given. Inferred 'edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.BellmanFord' as main class. [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.BellmanFord... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.BinaryTreeSearch$1... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.BinaryTreeSearch$BinaryTree$Node... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.BinaryTreeSearch$BinaryTree... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.BinaryTreeSearch... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.BuggyDijkstra... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Dijkstra... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.HeapInsertJDK15... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.InsertionSort... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.java15.lang.Math... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.java15.util.AbstractCollection... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.java15.util.AbstractQueue... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.java15.util.Arrays... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.java15.util.PriorityQueue$1... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.java15.util.PriorityQueue$Itr... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.java15.util.PriorityQueue... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Linear... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.MergeSortJDK15... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.QuickSortJDK15... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.rbtree.Node... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.rbtree.RedBlackTree... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.rbtree.RedBlackTreeNode... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.RedBlackTreeSearch... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.SimpleObject... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.SortedListInsert$List... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.SortedListInsert... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Testme... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Tsp$TspSolver... [java] Transforming edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Tsp... [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BellmanFord.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BinaryTreeSearch$1.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BinaryTreeSearch$BinaryTree$Node.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BinaryTreeSearch$BinaryTree.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BinaryTreeSearch.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BuggyDijkstra.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Dijkstra.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/HeapInsertJDK15.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/InsertionSort.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/lang/Math.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/AbstractCollection.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/AbstractQueue.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/Arrays.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/PriorityQueue$1.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/PriorityQueue$Itr.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/PriorityQueue.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Linear.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/MergeSortJDK15.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/QuickSortJDK15.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/rbtree/Node.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/rbtree/RedBlackTree.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/rbtree/RedBlackTreeNode.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/RedBlackTreeSearch.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/SimpleObject.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/SortedListInsert$List.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/SortedListInsert.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Testme.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Tsp$TspSolver.class [java] Writing to tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Tsp.class [java] Soot finished on Wed Sep 07 22:11:03 PDT 2011 [java] Soot has run for 0 min. 9 sec. [java] Java2HTML Version 1.5 [java] Copyright (c) 1999-2007, Enterprise Solution Consultants Limited, All Rights Reserved. [java] New Versions available from http://www.java2html.com [java] (type j2h with no arguments to get help) [java] Created /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/stylesheet.css [java] Created /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/front.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/SimpleObject.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Testme.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/rbtree/Node.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BinaryTreeSearch.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/MergeSortJDK15.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/QuickSortJDK15.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/AbstractQueue.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/rbtree/RedBlackTree.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Linear.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/RedBlackTreeSearch.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Dijkstra.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/Tsp.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/SortedListInsert.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/AbstractCollection.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/HeapInsertJDK15.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/lang/Math.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/InsertionSort.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/PriorityQueue.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BellmanFord.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/java15/util/Arrays.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/BuggyDijkstra.java.html [java] Created: /Users/ksen/hw1/tmpclasses/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/rbtree/RedBlackTreeNode.java.html BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 12 seconds Koushik-Sens-MacBook-Pro:hw1 ksen$ java -cp tmpclasses:classes edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Testme 0 0 x=0 y=0 I am fine here Koushik-Sens-MacBook-Pro:hw1 ksen$ cat trace (65537,_) = (int)(x1,_) (65538,_) = (int)(x2,_) (131073,_) = (65537,_) (131091,_) = (0,2) * (131073,0) (65539,_) = (131091,_) else:537 (65539,0) != (65538,0) (65553,_) = (65538,0) + (0,10) else:539 (65537,0) == (65553,10) Koushik-Sens-MacBook-Pro:hw1 ksen$
A trace gives a sequence of instructions executed by the program. Instructions can be of three types: assignments or conditionals or error. We next describe these three types of instructions in details.
An error instruction is simply the string
An error instruction appears at the end of a trace if the program execution does not reach the end of the main method.
An assignment instruction can be of the following form:
lvalue = rvalue + rvalue
lvalue = rvalue - rvalue
lvalue = rvalue * rvalue
lvalue = rvalue / rvalue
lvalue = rvalue % rvalue
lvalue = rvalue op rvalue
lvalue = rvalue
lvalue = - rvalue
lvalue = op rvalue
where op could be any arbitrary operator (i.e. an operator that we cannot handle in our decision procedure), an lvalue or a rvlaue is a pair of memory address and the value stored at the memory address. Thus a lvalue or a rvalue can be of the form
If the memory address m is 0, then the pair represents a constant. If the value *m is _, then the value of *m is not required for the symbolic execution and we can ignore it. The value stored at a memory address, i.e. *m, is used if the symbolic state has no mapping for m during concolic execution. A special kind of assignment statement is of the following form.
(m,_) = (type)(xn,_)
This statement assigns the symbolic input value xn to the memory location m. An example of such an instruction is
(2280636,_) = (int)(x2,_)
A conditional instruction is always of the following forms.
then:branchid true
then:branchid rvalue < rvalue
then:branchid rvalue <= rvalue
then:branchid rvalue > rvalue
then:branchid rvalue >= rvalue
then:branchid rvalue == rvalue
then:branchid rvalue != rvalue
then:branchid rvalue op rvalue
then:branchid op rvalue
else:branchid true
else:branchid rvalue < rvalue
else:branchid rvalue <= rvalue
else:branchid rvalue > rvalue
else:branchid rvalue >= rvalue
else:branchid rvalue == rvalue
else:branchid rvalue != rvalue
else:branchid rvalue op rvalue
else:branchid op rvalue
where the prefix then:branchid means that we have taken the “then” branch of some “if-then-else” statement in the execution and the prefix else:branchid means that the execution has taken the “else” branch of some “if-then-else” statement. The “branchid” statically identifies the “then” or “else” branch---each “then” or “else” branch in the program has a unique branch id. The suffix gives the actual instruction executed during the execution. A suffix “true” means that the execution of the conditional generates the trivial symbolic constraint “true”.
You need to write a program (in any language such as Java, C, C++, Perl, or Python), say mycute, which will take a trace file and generate an input file. A sample input file is shown below. An input file gives a mapping from symbolic input values to concrete values.
(= x1 -10)
(= x2 -20)
where each xi is a symbolic input value encountered during the execution and each integer is the concrete value that should be used in the next execution. Once you have produced a file “input”, if you re-execute the instrumented executable, then the program will take input values from the “input” file. Note that during the first execution of the instrumented executable, the input file should not be present. In the first execution, the program will initialize all inputs with 0. In subsequent executions, the instrumented executable will use inputs from the file “input”.
Your program will thus take a “trace” file and use it to perform concolic execution and generate the file “input” that will force the program to take a different path in the next execution. Like DART, you need to only worry about linear arithmetic and you should use the yices 1.0.29 theorem prover for constraint solving. The details on how to use yices can be found at http://yices.csl.sri.com/. The following guidelines must be followed to get full points.
1. The search must be DFS; so you may need to maintain extra files between executions. Specifically, your algorithm should maintain the “stack” data structure (see Figure 3, 4, 5 of the DART paper) across executions.
2. Symbolic execution of statements and predicates should be done according to Figure 5 and 6 of the CUTE paper. If a memory location maps to a constant, the mapping should be removed from the symbolic state. This helps to save memory.
3. For every statement of the form (m,_) = (type)(xi,_), you must generate a couple of symbolic constraints: (xi <= MAX_type) and (xi >= MIN_type), where MIN_type and MAX_type are minimum and maximum values that a variable of “type” can store, respectively.
4. Your program “mycute” must return 1, when it has explored all paths in the program and 0, otherwise.
5. You should report the total number of unique branches covered, total number of paths explored, and total number of erroneous paths (i.e. paths that throw an exception) for each benchmark.
6. You should implement the three optimizations mentioned in the CUTE paper to get bonus points.
A sample sequence of commands to test Testme.java would be the following.
rm input java -cp tmpclasses:classes edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Testme ./mycute java -cp tmpclasses:classes edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Testme ./mycute java -cp tmpclasses:classes edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Testme ./mycute
After the last call to mycute, you should notify that a complete search has been done (since Testme.java has 3 execution paths.) Note that we invoke the two commands
java -cp tmpclasses:classes edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Testme ./mycute
iteratively to generate inputs one by one. The script run-jcute.sh can be used to automatically perform this iteration. Therefore, if you do not want to invoke the commands automatically, you can call
./run-jcute.sh ./mycute edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Testme -i 3
where -i 3 says that we want to generate 3 inputs. Your program mycute must return 1 when a complete exploration of the computation tree is over; otherwise, it should return 0.
The directory benchmarks/edu/berkeley/cs/wise/benchmarks/ has a number of sample Java programs that you need to test. A script runall.sh is provided to perform these tests in a batch.
In part 1, you implemented a depth first search (DFS) of the path space. However, DFS is not quite efficient in quickly achieving high branch coverage. In part 2, you need to implement your own search algorithm so that you can quickly achieve high branch coverage. Specifically, in each iteration, you need to pick a branch to negate according to some different strategy. You need to run your implementation on edu.berkeley.cs.wise.benchmarks.Replace and report the number of branches covered, number of iterations performed, and number of erroneous paths. The fewer the number of iterations and the higher the number of branches covered, the better is your algorithm.
September 28, 2016.
You should email me a link to the entire archive before 11:59 pm on September 28, 2016 along with instructions to run it. Ideally, I will run the runall.sh script and see if your implementation generates exactly the same set of inputs as CUTE. Please come to my office on October 4, 2016 afternoon to give me a demo.
Active testing has recently been introduced to effectively test concurrent programs. Active testing works in two phases. It first uses imprecise off-the-shelf static or dynamic program analyses to identify potential concurrency bugs, such as data races, deadlocks, and atomicity violations. In the second phase, active testing uses the reports from these imprecise analyses to explicitly control the underlying scheduler of the concurrent program to accurately and quickly discover real concurrency bugs, if any, with very high probability and little overhead. In this homework, you will be implementing the RaceFuzzer algorithm described in the following paper:
K. Sen, "Race Directed Randomized Testing of Concurrent Programs," in Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'08), 2008, pp. 11-21.
Windows or Linux or Mac OS X. You need pre-installed Sun’s JDK 1.5 for Windows or Linux, or Apple’s latest JDK for Mac OS X. You also need Apache’s ANT (http://ant.apache.org/) for building and running your code. You need to make sure that you are running JDK 1.6. The implementation will not work on higher versions of Java. Follow the instructions at this URL to temporarily switch to Java 1.6 on a Mac.
The infrastructure required to implement RaceFuzzer can be downloaded from http://srl.cs.berkeley.edu/~ksen/calfuzzer.tar.gz. Make sure that java, javac, and ant are in your PATH. Invoke the following commands to install the infrastructure.
tar zxvf calfuzzer.tar.gz
cd calfuzzer
We have provided a simplified implementation of DeadlockFuzzer described in the following paper.
P. Joshi, C.-S. Park, K. Sen, and M. Naik, "A Randomized Dynamic Program Analysis Technique for Detecting Real Deadlocks," in Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'09), 2009.
This is a reference implementation to show how the infrastructure works. You can test DeadlockFuzzer by running the following command.
ant –f run.xml deadlockfuzzer
In this homework, you will run
ant –f run.xml racefuzzer
and make sure it finds race conditions in the benchmark programs. Take a look at the target “racefuzzer” in run.xml to get acquainted with the benchmark programs on which you will be running your implementation.
Read the papers raced.pdf and hybrid.pdf provided with the infrastructure to understand the algorithms that you are going to implement. Read the paper activetool.pdf to get a high-level description of the infrastructure.
You need to implement the classes
Open these classes and see the inline comments. HybridAnalysis.java need to implement the Phase I described in the raced.pdf and RaceFuzzerAnalysis.java need to implement Phase 2 described in the same paper.
An implementation of an active testing algorithm, such as RaceFuzzer, AtomFuzzer, or DeadlockFuzzer, works in three steps:
In Step 1, the code under test is instrumented using the SOOT Compiler framework. The target “instr” in run.xml shows the actions taken by the instrumentor. The target “test_race1” in run.xml shows how to invoke the target “instr”. The instrumentor inserts various static method calls inside the bytecode under test. The set of methods that are inserted by the instrumentor is the set of all static methods starting with “my” in the file calfuzzer/src/javato/activetesting/analysis/ObserverForActiveTesting.java. The infrastructure provides an implementation of the instrumentor and you do not need to re-implement it.
In Step 2, the instrumented code is run once with an imprecise dynamic analysis, such as Hybrid Race Detector or iGoodlock. The target “analysis-once” in run.xml shows the action taken by an imprecise analysis. The following
<antcall target="analysis-once"> <param name="javato.activetesting.analysis.class" value="javato.activetesting.HybridAnalysis"/> </antcall>
shows how to invoke an imprecise analysis (Hybrid Race Detector in this case) by specifying the Java property “javato.activetesting.analysis.class”. An analysis class, such as HybridAnalysis needs to extend the abstract class javato.activetesting.analysis.AnalysisImpl (which implements the interface javato.activetesting.analysis.Analysis) and implement the following methods
public interface Analysis { public void initialize(); public void lockBefore(Integer iid, Integer thread, Integer lock); public void unlockAfter(Integer iid, Integer thread, Integer lock); public void newExprAfter(Integer iid, Integer object,Integer oInv); public void methodEnterBefore(Integer iid); public void methodExitAfter(Integer iid); public void startBefore(Integer iid, Integer parent,Integer child); public void waitAfter(Integer iid, Integer thread, Integer lock); public void notifyBefore(Integer iid, Integer thread,Integer lock); public void notifyAllBefore(Integer iid,Integer thread,Integer l); public void joinAfter(Integer iid, Integer parent, Integer child); public void readBefore(Integer iid, Integer thread, Long memory); public void writeBefore(Integer iid, Integer thread, Long memory); public void finish(); }
The above methods get called before or after the execution of various instructions of the code under test. For example,
public void lockBefore(Integer iid, Integer thread, Integer lock);
gets called before thread with unique id “thread” acquires the lock with unique id “lock”. Similarly,
public void writeBefore(Integer iid, Integer thread, Long memory);
gets called before thread with unique id “thread” writes the memory location with address “memory”. In each method, the first argument “iid” gives a unique id to each statically inserted method call. The method javato.activetesting.analysis.Observer.getIidToLine(iid) could be used to get a String containing the file name and line number where the method call has been inserted.
See javato.activetesting.PrintTraceAnalysis for a simple analysis implementation that simply prints the trace of an execution. Run
ant –f run.xml print_trace
to test javato.activetesting.PrintTraceAnalysis. In step 2, you need to implement the class javato.activetesting.HybridAnalysis. This class should track vector clocks, locks sets, and a database of events and dump the potential races in the file error.log in a suitable format. You need to read error.log in the next step to identify the program locations where you need to pause during active testing. In my implementation of the hybrid race detector, I store a pair of iid to denote a potential race.
In step 3, the instrumented code is run repeatedly. If step 2 reports nRace number of potential race conditions, the instrumented code is run N*nRace times to perform active testing. In our examples, N = 10. The first N runs are run with javato.activetesting.common.Parameters.errorId set to 1, the second N runs are run with javato.activetesting.common.Parameters.errorId set of 2, etc. This number (i.e. javato.activetesting.common.Parameters.errorId) should be used in conjunction with the file “error.log” to get the program locations where you need to pause.
The target “active-loop” in run.xml shows the actions that active testing takes in each N executions of the program under test. The following
<antcall target="active-loop"> <param name="javato.activetesting.analysis.class" value="javato.activetesting.RaceFuzzerAnalysis"/> </antcall>
shows how to invoke an active tester (RaceFuzzer in this case) by specifying the Java property “javato.activetesting.analysis.class”. An analysis class, such as RaceFuzzerAnalysis needs to extend the abstract class javato.activetesting.analysis.CheckerAnalysisImpl, which is almost identical to the class javato.activetesting.analysis.CheckerAnalysisImpl, except that javato.activetesting.analysis.CheckerAnalysisImpl starts a couple of threads that breaks any potential system stalls and livelocks created by the active tester. See section 4 of raced.pdf to learn why such system stalls (i.e. deadlocks) or livelocks could happen. In step 3, you need to implement the class javato.activetesting.RaceFuzzerAnalysis. This class needs to use the ActiveChecker class in order to bias the random scheduler.
An active checker is implemented by extending the class javato.activetesting.activechecker.ActiveChecker declared below.
public class ActiveChecker { final protected void block(int milliSeconds) { … } final protected void unblock(int milliSeconds) { … } final public static void blockIfRequired() { … } public void check(Collection checkers) { block(0);} final public void check() { … } }
An instance of a subclass of ActiveChecker (e.g. you should implement RaceChecker) is equivalent to a transition in Algorithm 1 in activetool.pdf. The check() method defined by this class should be used by RaceFuzzerAnalysis to check if a real race has been created and also to decide whether to pause the current thread or un-pause a paused thread. This method in turn calls the method check(Collection<ActiveChecker> checkers). A subclass of ActiveChecker (such as RaceChecker) should override the check(Collection<ActiveChecker> checkers) method. The argument “Collection<ActiveChecker> checkers” is a list of active checkers (i.e. threads or transitions) that has been paused. An implementation of the method check(Collection<ActiveChecker> checkers) could either block (i.e. pause) the current thread or activate (i.e. un-pause) some other thread that is already paused. In order to pause the current thread, the method block(int milliSeconds) should be called. If “milliseconds” is 0, then the current thread is paused indefinitely; otherwise, the thread is paused for “milliseconds”. In order to activate some other instance of ActiveChecker inside the check(Collection<ActiveChecker> checkers) method, unblock(int milliSeconds) should be called on the instance. The target thread is activated after “milliseconds”.
Note that the global lock ActiveChecker.lock is used to protect all code that you write. This is done to prevent any data race in your analysis code. Therefore, a call to ActiveChecker.block(0) by a thread while the thread is holding the lock ActiveChecker.lock could cause a system stall. Therefore, a call to ActiveChecker.block(0) does not pause the thread immediately, but records the fact that the thread needs to be paused as soon as it releases the lock ActiveChecker.lock. Therefore, we call the method ActiveChecker.blockIfRequired() after the lock ActiveChecker.lock has been released. If the current thread has been booked to pause then ActiveChecker.blockIfRequired() actually blocks the current thread. See DeadlockFuzzerAnalysis and the comments in RaceFuzzerAnalysis to see how ActiveChecker.blockIfRequired() should be used.
November 22, 2016.
You should email me a link to the entire archive before noon on November 22, 2016 along with instructions to run it. Ideally, I will run ant –f run.xml racefuzzer and see if your implementation reports exactly the same set of races reported by my implementation of RaceFuzzer. Come to my office on November 22, 2016 2-4pm to give me a demo.