Latest News

12.18.2003: Totals from the "where I'd invest $500k"
  • Coverity: $4mm
  • Pipeline Manager: $2.86mm
  • Intellidate: $1.585mm
  • MenCoTech: $1.095mm
  • Honeycomb: $1mm
  • xThink: $960k

11.25.2003: Just a reminder - class on 12/1 will meet at 4pm (sharp!) in 540AB Cory Hall and will last until 6pm to accomodate the project presentations. on 12/3, we will meet back in the regular classroom (C210), but will also go from 4-6pm. The final project reports are due 12/5.

11.25.2003: uploaded lecture 13 and lecture 14 slides.

11.19.2003: uploaded homework 12: Summary of a large software company. Due 11/26. Please fill out the following templates: PPT presentation and Excel tearsheet and cite your sources. Here's an example "best practice" completed assignment from Brian P. (PPT, Excel).

11.10.2003: uploaded lecture 12 slides: Valuation and Start-up Strategies.

11.07.2003: uploaded homework 11 - Walnut Venture Associates(A): RBS Group case study questions (Due 11/12)

11.04.2003: uploaded lecture 11 slides: Creating Barriers with IP.

10.31.2003: uploaded homework 10 - Cadence vs. Avant! case study questions (Due 11/5)

10.28.2003: uploaded Prof Messerschmitt's Open Source lecture. As followup reading, here are some pointers to articles Prof Messerschmitt mentioned in class:


For the homework assignments please make our life easier by doing the following:
  • Subject line on the email should be: 290T Homework #n
  • Simply include answers as plain text in email, make sure your name is in the email
  • Label each answer with question number
  • Use bullets and phrases, no one reads English prose anymore, but be prepared to articulate and defend your answer well.


Course Schedule

Details are still being worked out, but here is draft course schedule.
Date Topic(s) Readings Comments
August 25 Course Overview, Overview of Software Industry Chapter 1, 2
August 27 Software market segments, Software development Identify trends & opportunities in SW industry; Chapter 5
September 1 NO CLASS - Labor Day
September 3 Discuss trends & opportunities in SW industry Chapter 9
September 8 Identifying market opportunities, value to revenue Documentum, Inc.
September 10 Case discussion
September 15 Business Models & business plans ProfitLogic
September 17 Case discussion, Guest speaker: Bob Dahlberg
September 22 Evolution of business models Collabrys, Inc.: The Evolution of a Startup
September 24 Case discussion Project proposals due
September 29 from business models to business plans Kana Communications
October 1 Case discussion
October 6 Bundling HW/SW Network Appliance (A)
October 8 Case discussion
October 13 Creating a Sustained SW Business Wind River Systems; Chapter 4
October 15 Case discussion, Guest speaker: Jerry Fiddler
October 20 teams and process in software Microsoft: Competing on Talent; Chapter 3 Project checkpoint
October 22 Case discussion, Guest speaker: John Fernandes
October 27 Open source, Guest speaker: Dave Messerschmitt Sun Microsystems, Inc: Solaris Strategy
October 29 Case discussion
November 3 Creating Barriers with IP Cadence vs. Avant!
November 5 Case discussion, Guest speaker: Paul Lippe
November 10 Valuation and Start-up Strategies Walnut Venture Associates (A) : RBS Group
November 12 Case discussion, Guest speaker: Dana Settle
November 17 valuation, exit strategies
November 19 Exit strategies
November 24 wrap up
November 26 NO CLASS - Thanksgiving
December 1 Project presentations in 540AB Cory Hall
December 3 Project presentations
Last updated October 21, 2003
(c) 2003
Niraj Shah, Kurt Keutzer
The Course
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:: Homework
:: Projects
:: Schedule
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:: Syllabus

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:: MOT Progam