Verifiable Quantum Advantage without Structure by Yamakawa and Zhandry
Basic properties and relations with other classes
Oracle separations versus classical classes
The need for structure. Aaronson-Ambainis and Yamakawa-Zhandry
QMA-completeness of the local Hamiltonian problem
Friends of QMA: QCMA and QMA(2)
The Quantum PCP conjecture
- Interactive proofs
The power of multiple provers: MIP* = RE
Classical verification of quantum computation
- Near-term quantum complexity
Short-depth circuits: Bene Watts-Kothari-Schaeffer-Tal
Quantum advantage with random quantum circuits
CS 191 or equivalent is required. CS172 or equivalent is highly recommended.
Grading: 40% homeworks, 10% scribe, 50% final project