
A Tetrahedral Mesh Improvement Program

Bryan Matthew Klingner and Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California, Berkeley


Stellar improves tetrahedral meshes so that their worst tetrahedra have high quality, making them more suitable for finite element analysis. Stellar employs a broad selection of improvement operations, including vertex smoothing by nonsmooth optimization, stellar flips and other topological transformations, vertex insertion, and edge contraction. If the domain shape has no small angles, Stellar routinely improves meshes so that the smallest dihedral angle is larger than 30 degrees and the largest dihedral angle is smaller than 140 degrees.

Features include a choice of several quality measures (both as objective functions and for mesh statistics), control of tetrahedron sizes, and transformations that improve the boundary of the mesh. The last give you a choice between flat surfaces (in which vertices are constrained to lie, so the surface is improved without changing the domain shape) and curved surfaces (where we optionally permit small changes of the domain shape if they give big wins in mesh quality).

Stellar is written entirely in ANSI C, and relies only on standard C libraries. It should compile on any POSIX-compliant system, and is known to compile on Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows. Stellar's internal mesh data structure is an implementation of Blandford, Blelloch, Cardoze, and Clemens' Compact Representations of Simplicial Meshes in Two and Three Dimensions. For geometric computations, it relies on Jonathan's fast robust predicates code. It is available under the terms of the Berkeley Source Distribution (BSD) license. It is accompanied by a (slightly unfinished) visualization program called Show Me, which runs only under X Windows.


Stellar 1.0 (5 July 2009): Stellar_1.0.tar.gz or


Compiling Stellar

Stellar comes with a makefile that should work out-of-the-box on Mac OS X and Linux. It links only to standard C libraries. To compile on Mac OS X, type

from within the base directory of the uncompressed tarball. To compile on Linux, type
make linux
By default, Stellar is built with optimization (-fast on Mac OS X, -O3 on Linux) and without debugging symbols. To disable optimization and add debugging symbols, type
make macdebug
on Mac OS X or
make linuxdebug
on Linux. Stellar has also been successfully compiled on Windows, but we provide no build environment for Windows. (If you want to contribute one, we will add it to the distribution.)

If you are running X Windows, you can compile the visualization program Show Me by typing

make macshowme
make linuxshowme
from the base directory. We do not have a visualization program for Microsoft Windows, but you can use the script to convert meshes to NETGEN format, then use their visualizer.

Using Stellar

Stellar has a sensible default configuration that should do a good job of improving most meshes. A typical invocation of Stellar would be

Stellar mymesh
where mymesh is the mesh you'd like to improve. Stellar will read the mesh from mymesh.node and mymesh.ele, and write the improved mesh to mymesh.1.node and mymesh.1.ele. The number “1” is called an iteration number, which is convenient for improving or refining a mesh multiple times. If Stellar reads and improves mymesh.1 (likely with a different configuration file), the output is named mymesh.2, which can subsequently be improved to mymesh.3, and so on.

The Stellar distribution includes a mesh example called house2, so you can try it now. More sample meshes are available below.

Configuration File

You can change Stellar's default behavior by specifying a configuration file with the -s switch. The distribution includes a sample configuration file with an enumeration of all of Stellar's options. Read it for instructions on how to change it.

Stellar -s EXAMPLE_CONFIG mymesh

Command Line Switches

Although most of Stellar's behavior can only be controlled through the configuration file, there are a few command line arguments provided for convenience.

-s [configfilename]
Specifies the configuration file. If this option is omitted, Stellar will use the same defaults described in the example configuration file.
-L [verbosity]
Specifies the verbosity configuration parameter, which can also be set in the configuration file. If the -L switch comes after the -s switch, this verbosity will override the setting in the configuration file.
When this switch is specified, Stellar will output quality information of the input mesh and quit, without performing any mesh improvement. This switch corresponds to the outputandquit option in the configuration file. If the -F option is specified after the -s option, it will override the setting in the configuration file. This option is useful if you want to analyze the quality of an existing mesh without altering it.

File Formats

Stellar's tetrahedral mesh inputs and outputs come as two files: a .node file that stores the geometric positions of the vertices, and an .ele file that stores the tetrahedra, indexed by their vertex numbers.

.node Files

First line: [# of points] [dimension (must be 3)] [# of attributes] [# of boundary markers (0 or 1)]
Remaining lines: [point #] [x] [y] [z] [optional attributes] [optional boundary marker]

Blank lines and comments prefixed by ‘#’ may be placed anywhere. Points must be numbered consecutively, starting from one or zero. Floating-point attributes and boundary markers may be present in the file, and Stellar will copy them to the output. However, Stellar does not currently support assigning attributes and boundary markers to vertices created during mesh improvement. Here's an example .node file:

# my node file
295  3  0  1
1    3.69 1.19 -3.35    0
2    2.79 2.43 -3.35    0
3    1.64 2.39 -5.13    1
294  1.43 5.32  4.21    0
295  4.32 3.21  5.02    0

.ele Files

First line: [# of tetrahedra] [points per tetrahedron (must be 4)] [# of attributes (must be 0)]
Remaining lines: [tetrahedron #] [point] [point] [point] [point]

Blank lines and comments prefixed by ‘#’ may be placed anywhere. Tetrahedra must be numbered consecutively, starting from one or zero. Points are indices into the corresponding .node file. The four points are the corners of the tetrahedron, and are listed in a right-handed orientation: a tetrahedron with vertices ordered (1, 2, 3, 4) implies that the vertices 2, 3, 4 occur in counterclockwise order as seen from vertex 1. If you curl the fingers of your right hand to follow the vertices 2, 3, 4, then your thumb points toward vertex 1. Here's an example .ele file:

# my ele file
1184  4  0
1   1    11     2    15
2   4    14    15    28
3   6    13    28    34
1183    35    11    34     2
1184    54    15    35    28

Mesh Quality Files (.minsine, .minang, .maxang, .vlrms, .nrr)

Stellar optionally outputs files that list the quality of each tetrahedron in the mesh. .minsine files list the minimum sine among each tetrahedron's six dihedral angles. .minang and .maxang files list the minimum and maximum dihedral angle in degrees for each tetrahedron. .vlrms files list the volume-length ratio, which is the ratio of each tetrahedron's volume to the cube of its root-mean-squared edge length, normalized so that an equilateral tetrahedron has a ratio of 1.0. .nrr files list the radius ratio, the ratio of the radii of the inscribed and circumscribing spheres of each tetrahedron, normalized so that an equilateral tetrahedron has a ratio of 1.0. For more information about these quality measures, refer to Chapter 2 of Bryan's dissertation. Here's an example of a .minsine file:

First line: [# of tetrahedra] [points per tetrahedron (must be 4)] [# of attributes (must be 0)]
Remaining lines: [1 if boundary tetrahedron, 0 otherwise] [quality]

# my .minsine file
1184  4  0
0 0.833605
0 0.803108
0 0.698183
1 0.672113
0 0.697132
A tetrahedron is labeled a “boundary tetrahedron” if it has at least one triangular face on the boundary of the mesh.

.stats Files

When it terminates, Stellar writes out a .stats file that details the improvement process. The .stats file includes a listing of improvement options, final mesh quality, and running times and success rates for various improvement operations. You can view an example .stats file here.

Visualization with Show Me

The distribution includes an interactive program called Show Me for visualizing the input and output meshes, both on the screen and as PostScript output. Unlike Stellar, Show Me requires X Windows to compile and run. Show Me isn't completely finished yet, though it's still useful. An alternative (especially if you don't run X Windows) is the visualization program that comes with the mesh generator NETGEN. You can convert our mesh format to NETGEN's format with the script below.

A typical invocation of Show Me is

showme mymesh.1
where mymesh.1.node and mymesh.1.ele contain the mesh you'd like to view. If you want to view the mesh vertices only, you can append the suffix .node. For example, to view the vertices of the input mesh (iteration number zero), type
showme mymesh.node

Show Me has interactive control buttons, many of whose purposes will become clear if you try them. Here are some of the less obvious ones.

  • Clicking the left mouse button on the mesh zooms in slightly, and places the point where you clicked at the center of the window. Clicking the right mouse button un-zooms, and also places the point where you clicked at the center of the window.
  • The top row of buttons reads an improved mesh, and the second row reads the previous iteration. You can click on the numbered buttons on the right end of these rows to increase or decrease the iteration number, to help you examine a sequence of iterations of the mesh.
  • Each node button displays just the mesh vertices, whereas the ele button displays the elements (tetrahedra) too. The remaining buttons in the first two rows display file formats associated with the 2D mesh generator Triangle, but not with Stellar.
  • The Cut< button and the three buttons to its right allow you to cut away a portion of the mesh so you can see inside. Press one of these buttons, then click a location on the mesh. All tetrahedra whose centroids are to the left of / to the right of / above / below the cursor will disappear.
  • The PS and EPS write the screen image in PostScript and encapsulated PostScript formats, respectively.
  • Ignore the Q, Amt, and Persp buttons, which don't work yet.

The script

The distribution includes a mesh conversion script,, that can read and write several tetrahedral and surface mesh formats. You can use it to import meshes produced by other meshing programs to Stellar's .node/.ele format, and to export the improved meshes to some of those formats. The script requires Python 2.4 or higher. Here is the script's usage information: [-s scale] input_file output_file

        input_file    the input tetrahedral (or trianglar surface) mesh file. 
                      This file must be in one of the following formats:
                          .node  - Our node file format. A .node file must be accompanied
                                   by an .ele file that contains tetrahedra.
                          .mesh  - NETGEN's tetrahedral mesh format.
                          .vmesh - GRUMMP's tetrahedral mesh format.
                          .tet   - AIM@SHAPE repository's tetrahedral mesh format.
                          .off   - A common surface mesh format. Only boundary triangles
                                   will be available for output.
                          .surf  - NETGEN's triangle surface mesh format. Only boundary
                                   triangles will be available for output.

        output_file   the output tetrahedral (or triangular surface) mesh file.
                      This file must be in one of the following formats:
                          .node  - Our node file format.  An .ele file
                                   containing tetrahedra will also be produced.
                          .mesh  - NETGEN's tetrahedral mesh format.
                          .obj   - A common surface mesh format. Only mesh
                                   boundary triangles will be written.
                          .off   - A common surface mesh format. Only mesh
                                   boundary triangles will be written.
                          .surf  - NETGEN's triangle surface mesh format. Only
                                   mesh boundary triangles will be written.

        -s scale      optional vertex scale argument. All vertex coordinates
                      will be multiplied by scale in the output file.

        NOTE: As part of the conversion process, all tetrahedra are adjusted to have a
              consistent, right-handed orientation: that is, for a tetrahedron with vertices
              ordered (1, 2, 3, 4), the vertices 2, 3, 4 occur in counterclockwise order as 
              seen from vertex 1. If you curl the fingers of your right hand to follow the 
              vertices 2, 3, 4, then your thumb points toward vertex 1.

Animations and Meshes

mesh improvement movie input meshes
Animation of Mesh Improvement Download Example Meshes


Improving Tetrahedral Meshes
Bryan Matthew Klingner, Ph.D. Dissertation, Technical Report UCB/EECS-2008-145, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, California, November 2008.
[PDF, 211 MB] [PDF with reduced image quality, 57 MB]

I present a tetrahedral mesh improvement method that creates meshes whose worst tetrahedra have a level of quality substantially better than those produced by any previous method for tetrahedral mesh generation or “mesh clean-up.” Mesh optimization methods often get stuck in bad local optima (poor-quality meshes) because their repertoire of mesh transformations is weak. In contrast, my mesh improvement software employs a broader palette of operations than any other. Alongside the best traditional topological and smoothing operations, I introduce a topological transformation that inserts a new vertex, as well as methods for smoothing vertices on the boundary of the mesh. My implementation routinely improves meshes so that all the dihedral angles lie between 34 and 131 degrees. It also allows a user to locally control the sizes and grading of the tetrahedra, and to generate anisotropic meshes with local control of the orientations and eccentricities of the tetrahedra. With the same operations, I develop a dynamic mesh improvement method for simulations of deforming materials that updates a mesh at each timestep to maintain the quality of its tetrahedra. The dynamic mesher strikes a balance between maintaining high element quality and minimizing the error introduced through artificial diffusion.

Aggressive Tetrahedral Mesh Improvement
Bryan Matthew Klingner and Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable (Seattle, Washington), pages 3–23, October 2007.
[PDF, 27 MB] [BibTeX]

This paper is a concise summary of our work on improving tetrahedral meshes. It discusses mesh improvement operations (especially vertex insertion), tetrahedron quality measures, an effective schedule for mesh improvement, and the high mesh quality that a sufficiently aggressive approach makes possible—though we've improved the quality since we wrote this paper. See Bryan's dissertation for an updated discussion of the techniques implemented in Stellar, plus subjects not covered in this paper such as tetrahedron size control, anisotropic mesh generation, and dynamic meshing.