If you want to relive taking the midterm, here it is in PostScript or PDF.
Problem 1. (8 points) A miscellany.
a. Binary search begins by inspecting the middle element of a list or sublist thereof. If the list is linked, you will have to traverse half the nodes in the list/sublist to reach the middle one. In general, binary search takes at least as long to reach any given node as a naive search.
b. The compiler prints out the class, method, and line number where the exception occurred. Search that line for a “dot” (dereference) operation.
c. These lines cannot throw run-time errors.
boolean b1 = (head != null) && (head.next != null); boolean b2 = (head == null) || (head.next == null); Object o1 = (java.io.InputStream) System.in; int ia[] = {3, 7};d. public final. (It is acceptable to replace public with the same protection level as the array itself has, though it makes no difference.)
e. A cast changes the static type of an expression, and its effect on dynamic method lookup is nothing whatsoever.
Problem 2. (10 points) Inheritance.
public class Rational implements Comparable { public int numer; // Numerator of a fraction (rational number). public int denom; // Denominator. Invariant: denom is never zero. private static short compare; public int compareTo(Object o) { Rational other = (Rational) o; long myProduct = (long) numer * (long) other.denom; long otherProduct = (long) other.numer * (long) denom; if (myProduct == otherProduct) { compare = 0; } else if (myProduct < otherProduct ^ denom < 0 ^ other.denom < 0) { compare = -1; } else { compare = 1; } return compare; } public Rational(int n, int denom) { numer = n; this.denom = denom; if (denom == 0) System.exit(1); // Enforce the invariant. } protected static short lastCompareTo() { return compare; } } public class Integr extends Rational { public Integr(int n) { // Construct the integer n/1. super(n, 1); } public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o instanceof Integr) { if (numer < ((Integr) o).numer) { return -1; } else if (numer == ((Integr) o).numer) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } return super.compareTo(o); } } public class WholeNum extends Integr { // Invariant: numer is never zero. public WholeNum(int n) { // Construct the whole number n/1. super(n); // super(n, 1); is also correct. if (n == 0) System.exit(1); // Enforce the invariant. } public short makesNoSense() { return Integr.lastCompareTo(); } }Problem 3. (7 points) Run-length encoding an array of strings.
public SListNode rle(String[] strings) { // Run-length encode an array. int i = strings.length - 1; SListNode head = new SListNode(strings[i], 1, null); for (i--; i >= 0; i--) { if (strings[i].equals(head.item)) { head.count++; } else { head = new SListNode(strings[i], 1, head); } } return head; }