Problem 1. (7 points) Quickies.
a. The minimax algorithm could be said to be using either a preorder or a postorder tree traversal. (Either answer was accepted as correct.)
b. The maximum height of an n-node binary search tree is n - 1.
c. Pruning does not affect the answer produced by minimax.
d. x2z + xy.
e. Use two hash tables; one for authors and one for publishers.
f. None. Because of the finally clause, the only exception that can be thrown is a NullPointerException, which is unchecked.
Problem 2. (6 points) Data Structures.
Problem 3. (4 points) Merging Trees.
Set T's root to be the root of R. Find the node in R with maximum key. Set that node's right child to be the root of S.
Problem 4. (8 points) Inserting a Key into a Binary Heap.
public void insertItem(int key) { int i = size + 1; while ((i > 1) && (key < heapArray[i / 2])) { heapArray[i] = heapArray[i / 2]; i = i / 2; } heapArray[i] = key; size++; }