Discussion Sections and Labs

All labs meet in 277 Soda.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8am . Lab 21 (RV) Lab 22 (RV) . .
9am .



Dis 121
210 McLaughlin.
Dis 122
10am Lecture Lab 16 (YC) Lecture Dis 116
81 Evans
11am Lab 11 (BZ)


Lab 24 (EM) Dis 111
105 Stanley


Lab 17 (YC)


Dis 117
105 Stanley
1pm Lab 12 (LW)


. Dis 112
3111 Etch.


Lab 18 (MC) . Dis 118
6 Evans
Dis 122
320 Soda
3pm Lab 13 (EM)


. Dis 113
185 Barrows


Lab 19 (MB) . Dis 119
3109 Etch.
5pm Lab 14 (PH)


. Dis 114
4 Evans


Lab 15 (MB) . Dis 115
75 Evans
Dis 120
81 Evans
7pm Lab 20 (PH)


. . .


Lab 23 (BZ) . . .
9pm .


. . .
10pm . . . . .

The initials of each of the Lab TAs are given next to their lab. (They will be teaching the corresponding discussion section as well.) Starred initials are temporary assignments.

Teaching Assistants:
RV = Rob von Behren, cs61b-ta@po.eecs
PH = Paul Hale, cs61b-tb@po.eecs
BZ = Bob Zasio, cs61b-tc@po.eecs
YC = Yan Chen, cs61b-td@po.eecs
MB = Michael Brudno, cs61b-te@po.eecs
LW = Loren Will, cs61b-tf@po.eecs
MC = Matt Core, cs61b-tg@po.eecs
EM = Emil Moshkovich, cs61b-th@po.eecs

See Infocal's list of courses and enrollment levels for Fall 98. Fill in the Department as "CompSci" and the course number as "61B".