;Model for Monte Carlo testing 18-point cell with variable angles ; ;The cell is made of six triangles, each with one point toward the middle and the other two ;on the same radius further out. The triangles are joined together in pairs. We model one ;of these pairs with six separately placed points so that we can use Monte Carlo testing to ;simulate the sorts of errors that might occur in construction. ; ;The two triangles are labeled 'a' and 'b', and the points are '1' (on the inner radius), '2' and '3' ;(on the outer radius). That make a total of six points: 1a, 2a, 3a, and 1b, 2b, 3b. ; ;Each point is positioned by specifying its radius (rXX) and angle (aXX). There are six pairs of ;coordinates: (r1a, a1a) through (r3b, a3b). Each of these ordinates is allowed to vary ;independently by an amount equivalent to plus or minus 1mm. That leads to a total variation ;of plus or minus 2mm on length of the sides of the triangles and plus or minus 1mm on the ;placement. In reality the effects might be reversed, with the dimensions being more accurate ;than the placement, but the model was starting to get complex enough as it was without trying ;to add in that factor. ; ;In addition, variables are used to simulate the sorts of force errors that might occur due to shifts ;of plus or minus 1mm in the placement of the balance points on the bars and triangles. 'eba' ;simulates the bar balance position error effect on triangle 'a' with 'ebb' being its mirror effect on ;triangle 'b'. Similarly 'eha' and 'ehb' simulate the effects of a radial (height) error on the balance ;point placement on the triangles and 'ewa' and 'ewb' simulate the effects of an angular (width) ;placement error. Finally, the relative radial errors of points 2 and 3 for each triangle is used to ;compute a skew error factor for each triangle 'ska' and 'skb' that in turn computes a net effect ;for each point. ; ;All of the error factors are simply summed, due to the complex nature of doing mathematical ;expressions within Plop, but the net error from this is minimal since (1+a)*(1+b) is approximately ;equal to (1+a+b) for small a and b. The error factors were similarly computed separately in a ;spreadsheet to help simplify the math. ; ;The net effect is that the Monte Carlo testing will approximate the effects of construction errors ;of up to 2mm in triangle sizing and 1mm of net triangle and balance point placement in each ;direction. The downside is that we are actually testing the results of three sets of equally ;misconstructed triangle pairs as opposed to six independently constructed triangles, but at ;least it gives us a slightly more realistic effect than simply varying the parameters of the ;original model. var r1a 0.388063 var r1b 0.388063 var r2a 0.84244 var r2b 0.84244 var r3a 0.84244 var r3b 0.84244 var ska r2a - r3a var skb r2b - r3b var es2a ska * 7.2686 var es2b skb * 7.2686 var es3a ska * -7.2686 var es3b skb * -7.2686 var a1a 0 var a2a 15.1972 var a3a -15.1972 var a1b 60 var a2b 75.1972 var a3b 44.8028 var f 1 var eba 0 var fba 1 + eba var ebb 0 - eba var fbb 1 + ebb var eha 0 var ehb 0 var ewa 0 var ewb 0 var e1a eha * -2 var e2ax eha + ewa var e2a e2ax + es2a var e3ax eha - ewa var e3a e3ax + es2a var e1b ehb * -2 var e2bx ehb + ewa var e2b e2bx + es2b var e3bx ehb - ewa var e3b e3bx + es3b var f1ah f + e1a var f2ax 1 + e2a var f3ax 1 + e3a var f1bh f + e1b var f2bx 1 + e2b var f3bx 1 + e3b var f1a fba * f1ah var f1b fbb * f1bh var f2a fba * f2ax var f2b fbb * f2bx var f3a fba * f3ax var f3b fbb * f3bx diameter 406.4 thickness 18 density 2.45e-06 modulus 6000 poisson 0.22 f-ratio 5 n-mesh-rings 24 rel-support-radii r1a r2a r3a r1b r2b r3b rel-force f1a f2a f3a f1b f2b f3b num-support 3 3 3 3 3 3 support-angle a1a a2a a3a a1b a2b a3b basis-ring-size 3 basis-ring-min 0 monte r1a 0.004921 monte r1b 0.004921 monte r2a 0.004921 monte r2b 0.004921 monte r3a 0.004921 monte r3b 0.004921 monte a1a 0.726602 monte a2a 0.334703 monte a3a 0.334703 monte a1b 0.726602 monte a2b 0.334703 monte a3b 0.334703 monte eba 0.014613 monte eha 0.017885 monte ehb 0.017885 monte ewa 0.021843 monte ewb 0.021843 part triangle 3 point 0 0 point 1 0 point 2 0 part triangle 3 point 3 0 point 4 0 point 5 0 part bar 3 part 0 0 part 1 0